Indy Gems: (Skull-Headed Robot + Giant Monsters)/Greek Mythology = AWESOME!

R13_Cover_1_DBRobot 13
Publisher: Blacklist Studios
Created by: Thomas Hall & Daniel Bradford

I recently received an email with the subject “Robot 13.”  At first I thought it might be spam of some sort since I didn’t recognize the sender. Upon opening said e-mail I was presented with the following:

Robot 13: Colossus! is a new mini series from Blacklist studios.  On the surface, Robot 13 is about a skull headed robot who fights giant monsters from Greek Mythology. From a storytelling standpoint, however, it’s somewhat a reworking of Frankenstein meeting Homer’s Odyssey- it’s the story of a thing created by Science who goes on a Hero’s journey of sorts to find out who he really is…”- Thomas Hall, Blacklist Studios

R13_pg08I was intrigued.  A skull headed robot fighting giant monsters? This comic was written for me. Luckily a preview of the first issue was also sent along with the email, so I was able to satisfy my curiosity.  Upon reading this first issue, the first thing that I noticed was the artwork. It’s very striking and stylized; I would say it has a Mike Mignola feel to it. The writing is pretty good and draws you in quickly, making you want to find out exactly  who or what 13 is. If you are wondering, 13 is a skull-headed robot or automaton of some sort who may be centuries old. Oh, I almost forgot that he  apparently is the world’s largest monster magnet. Within mere moments of being found on the ocean’s floor, a large tentacled creature rises from the depths of the ocean and attacks the small fishing ship that retrieved him. Somehow that appearance of this sea beast also revives 13, as the ship’s crew will later call him.  13 has no memories of who he is, where he came from, or who created him.

From reading the first two issues I am hooked.  The epic scale of what awaits 13 is too good to pass up!  All in all this was a great read, and I can see myself getting drawn into this comic; check it out!  So thank you Thomas Hall for sending me a taste of a fine comic; now your evil plan has worked, and I’m hooked and will now spend absurd amounts of money on this mini-series.

Scott Andrews

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Andy

    I saw this book sitting in my store and wondered what the hook was… thanks for letting me know, Scott!

  2. billy

    I definitely like that cover!

  3. Scott

    Keep your eyes open for an interview from the creators of Robot 13, here in the near future!

  4. Josh

    I agree; the illustrations do appear to be heavily inspired by Mike Mignola. Overall, a very cool concept, and definitely my taste.

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