Gotta Have It!: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Hellboy Series

Gotta Have It!: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Hellboy Series

















Welcome back for another look (smell?) into some of the wares of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab! This time we have one of my favorite comic book series of all time, Hellboy! I got a collection of characters to choose from, and I know this line is very popular, because some of them are sold out. Of the ones I could get, how are they? Let’s find out!

The Hellboy collection has six scents to choose from: Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, Kroenen, Trevor Bruttenholm, and the Plague of Frogs. I was able to get a hold of Liz, Abe, and Bruttenholm for this review. Hellboy is sold out as of this writing, but hopefully he’ll be back in stock soon.

bpal trevor-bruttenholm-500x394Starting with Trevor Bruttenholm, I’ll say that the character became a favorite thanks to John Hurt’s portrayal. The scholarly mentor type is a favorite of mine so this seemed like a perfect choice for me. I also had others test it out and we all seemed to like it. Definitely a scent one can wear for any occasion. The smell of books and incense really is a pleasant smell to have on.

bpal liz-500x394The Liz scent was interesting and had reactions just as varied. It smelled of fire and wood smoke when applied to some, and was rather mild when applied to others. When it worked for someone, it was fantastic, smelled like a great bonfire. When it didn’t mesh with someone it left only a mild scent. It was really interesting to see the reaction and smell the difference when different people tried it on. When it works for you, though, it is fantastic.

bpal abe-sapien-500x394Abe‘s was well liked by everyone who smelled it. I enjoyed it and found it to be another pleasant smell that could fit for many occasions. Overall, this is one that won’t overpower folks’ noses, and it’ll make you smell like the sea. Everyone enjoyed being reminded of the beach, so if you want a scent that will leave a nice memory and good first impression, this one seems like a good choice. Fitting for the lovable fish man.

That’s it for the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents, for now. It was wonderful to get to review these scents, and I hope these reviews were of some help for any of you readers out there. Hopefully some of these reviews sync up with choices you were going to make. Go forth and smell like your favorite characters. I want to thank Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab for the vials of oils they provided for the experience of testing these scents. Smell you later!

I have waited so long to end this segment so I could use that line.

Dr. Alexander Bustos

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Aaron

    Hehe! Smell you later. Classic.

    Also, can these be found in stores? Or must one order through BPAL’s website?
    Professor smells of books, Liz of a bonfire, and Abe like the beach. That’s pretty awesome.
    Are they both cologne and perfume, to be worn by either sex?

    I need to get these. I’d also love to find out what the other character scents smell like.

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