Chris Evans Confirmed to Play Captain America!

Chris Evans (of the Fantastic Four films) has has been confirmed to play Steve Rogers/Captain America in next year’s The First Avenger: Captain America.

Marvel has yet to comment on this development, but an official announcement is expected soon.

Chris Evans will appear in at least three Captain America films and an Avengers movie that will unite Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and Edward Norton as Hulk.

Hugo Weaving has been cast as Red Skull for The First Avenger: Captain America, due out July 22, 2011. The Avengers is scheduled for May 4, 2012.

If you ask me, this is a poor choice for Captain America. I think Chris Evans is a decent actor, and he looks the part, but he was already the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four films. What happened to the Matt Damon rumors or John Krasinski? Now from what I understand, the recent Marvel films aren’t recognizing the FF or Spider-Man movies for their giant crossover, both of which are planned for a reboot, but I can tell most people will “boo” this decision by Marvel Studios.

What do you think? Is Chris Evans a solid choice for Captain America or a big mistake?

Andrew Hurst


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. infinite speech

    My initial reaction is definitely not a good one but I’ll probably calm down as the months pass. Though Hugo as the Red Skull is a little better

  2. Kristin

    I think the obvious complaint is that he has already played and is associated with a different Marvel character. Obviously in light of the possible reboot of those films, you could brush that off. But he’ll still be Johnny Storm for a lot of people. There are SO many actors out there, so I don’t understand why they’re essentially reusing someone when they don’t have to. It just seems like a strange choice to me.
    Also, I don’t think he looks the part at all, and he’s far too young (born in ’81) to be running around with Robert Downey Jr (’65) and Edward Norton (’69) in a leader capacity (but more importantly, he LOOKS waaaaay younger).
    The guy playing Thor was born in ’83, but Thor is an immortal god essentially, so he could be played by a 5 year old or a 70 year old and he’d be the same person (he sort of…possesses or takes the form of a human, if I understand correctly).

    Anyway…. I don’t understand why they didn’t find someone new. Surely there were other actors who wanted this part.

  3. Eli

    I think this is a horrible choice. Has the world run out of actors, white male actors at that?? Give me a break. As far as first impressions go, I feel that this has the potential to be the worst casting job in a comic movie ever. We know what kind of a guy Steve Rogers has been portrayed as. I don’t see Evans pulling off the measure of the man, the nobility, the humility, the unabashed altruistic heroism that makes Captain America about the greatest hero of all time.

    Of course, he’s an actor, and maybe he’ll be able to do a great job of acting like Steve Rogers. We have several months for debate.

  4. grifter

    also, Ryan Reynolds = Hannibal Blade, Deadpool, Green Lantern, Nova, Astonishing Ant-Man (ok i made the last two up).

  5. Billy

    This is sad news. Whomever is doing the casting for this movie should never work in that particular field again. I don’t think Evans could pull off Batroc the Leaper, let alone the Star-Spangled Avenger, Captain America!!!

  6. kenmeyer jr

    Crappy choice and yeah, Matt Damon would be perfect. Dunno why I did not think of him in the first place. I assume he just said no, and he seems to be pretty serious about his craft. Choosing who they did just sends the same message all those other throwaway comic films of, when, the 80s?

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