Dynamite Reviews: Dark Shadows #12

Dark Shadows #12
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Mike Raicht
Artist: Guiu Vilanova (cover by Francesco Francavilla)
Colors: Carlos Lopez
In this issue, we see the return of a foe that Barnabas would’ve liked to never see again. Lockwood (victim of Barnabas’s a century ago that’s out for revenge) is terrorizing a town full of people, and most are either dead, ran off, or currently on the menu for him. Barnabas has bigger fish to fry, though. He’s tied up, and about to be possessed by the devil himself apparently. Can Elizabeth and Julia stop it from happening? Back at Collinwood, Quentin has his hands full with trying to protect David from Emma’s bloodthirsty appetite. Is she trying to kill David, or can she control herself enough to not kill her friend? These three plot points seem to be a lot to deal with, but when you see what happens to Barnabas at the end of the issue, it will pale in comparison, guaranteed!
Wow, was this a busy issue! The three different sides to this book right now are crazy to say the least. And this is all before the huge bombshell at the end. No spoilers, but fans of the show will not be surprised at the angle that Mike Raicht has taken here. Hopefully three separate stories simultaneously going on in the same book won’t take away from the overall impact of each one. Heck, maybe they’ll all end up connecting in the end, and tie things up nicely. As far as Lockwood goes, that probably isn’t going to happen, but that’s OK. His presence is a welcomed addition to the book because it gives the reader someone to either root for or against that can actually stand up to Barnabas or Quentin.
With all of that going on story-wise, you’d think the artwork would be an afterthought, but that’s not so. The scenes involving the action are very good, especially when there’s blood! Mostly dark settings fill the pages and panels nicely. Vilanova and Lopez are a good team, and demonstrate that over and over again throughout the pages. Whether it’s characters, settings, or whatever, you can guarantee that if these two are on it, it’s good stuff.

The book has transformed itself yet again with these last two issues, and it will be exciting to see where it leads. Honestly, what’s more awesome about a comic book than one that keeps you guessing, and tells you a good story that’s backed up with professional artwork!
Billy Dunleavy

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