Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Premiere

101B6650This past weekend was the big 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. A series that spans TV, books, radio plays, comic books, video games, and pretty much every form of media out there. I was lucky enough to get invited to the premiere simulcast event held at YouTube Space LA with a bunch of Whovians, whether they be cosplayer, celebrity, or a mix of the two.

It even had a gold key to open it.

If you watched the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special on BBC America, then you might have seen the pre and post-shows that they had going on. YouTube Space LA was the place those scenes were filmed. There were special guests on hand such as host Victoria Belmont, who would jump from hanging out with Grant Imahara, Phil DeFranco, and Noelene Clark on stage talking about Who, to joining the crowd where the show would begin along with Anthony Carboni, celery stalk in pocket. Both Belmont and Carboni were asking members of the audience if they had any questions for the guests. I almost got to ask a question, but the show was about to start so, clearly, that was more important. If you were wondering, I wanted to know what people would make as their Time Lord name, such as The Doctor or The Master, my first name is clearly taken, even if it’s spelled differently.

I think this was the best time to take a picture before the pre-show.
I think this was the best time to take a picture before the pre-show.

It was one of the most relaxed events I’ve ever been to, and if you get the chance to go to one, go. YouTube Space LA has a lovely set up, and the screen we watched the episode on was huge and made of several smaller screens. There was even a TARDIS on site for folks to take photos with! I think I may go take a look at some of the current Doctor Who comics coming out. They seem to have all kinds going on; hope there are some Sylvester McCoy ones for me. As I sign off on this post I do wonder, what would your Time Lord name be?

Press and VIPs got badges with the 4th Doctor, Crew got Dalek badges, and Guests got 11th Doctor badges.

Dr. Alexander Bustos

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