Dark Horse Reviews: Conan vol. 10: Iron Shadows in the Moon

Conan: Iron Shadows in the Moon (vol. 10)
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer(s): Timothy Truman & Darick Robertson
Artist(s): Tomás Giorello & Darick Robertson
I’ve got to admit something from the start about this book. I actually own another Dark Horse book that contains this story, but that book seems pale in comparison. Now, keep in mind that the other book is a black and white reprint of classic Conan, and this is an adaptation, and also in color. The artwork is provided by Tomás Giorello and the colors by José Villarubia in the “Iron Shadows in the Moon” story. The book also contains “Conan and the mad King of Gaul” and “Conan: The Weight of the Crown,” by Darick Robertson (writer and artist).
The first story is an excellent example of a classic Robert E. Howard story, but is greatly enhanced by Giorello’s exquisite artwork. After we see a quick interlude of a young man being murdered (that scene mirrors the crucifixion of Christ), the story begins with a young girl that’s about to be flogged by her master for trying to escape his grasp. Out of the muddy, filthy bog comes Conan. The King of Hyrkania, Amurath, is shocked to see that Conan is still alive, considering all of his fellow warriors were slaughtered by the Hyrkanians in the last couple of days. Conan quickly dispatches him, but realizes he’ll soon be overwhelmed by the dead King’s forces, so he flees, and the young girl comes with him. Of course, as you can imagine, they run into all sorts of perils as Conan always does, but also in typical Conan fashion, he fights his way out of the trouble. Pirates, a giant man-ape, and also a surprise enemy right under Conan’s nose!
You won’t be disappointed by the story in this book. It’s nothing complex, but Timothy Truman (Jonah Hex, Grimjack) does a great job of taking a typical Howard story and taking the reader inside the world of Conan. You can easily find yourself slipping into the “Conan universe” while reading this book. Giorello’s artwork (Star Wars, Conan the Cimmerian) is nothing short of astounding. He seems like he was born to draw Conan or anything in this genre. The page where the man-ape bites Conan (below, click to enlarge) is just one of the fantastic panels that proves my point and his artistic chops. Dark Horse has done a very good job with these Howard adaptations, and I for one hope that they keep them coming, full speed ahead!

Billy Dunleavy
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Andy

    Yeah, that art is awesome. I’m slowly becoming more and more of a Conan fan.

  2. Billy

    @Andy- Yep, Giorello is the pefect artist for this book. I can’t think of anyone else that would be better.

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