Dark Horse Previews: Beasts of Burden #4

This Wednesday the conclusion to the Beasts of Burden mini-series comes out with issue #4. I’m sad to see this mini end as writer Evan Dorkin and artist Jill Thompson have produced a fantastic piece of story telling that shouldn’t be missed for fans of the horrow/animal adventure genres. Essentially, the plot is about this motley crew of household pets (and some strays) who are attuned to the super natural. They embark on various adventures that deal with containing/defeating/satisfying mystical, spritiual, and fantastical beings; their missions are dangerous and don’t always end with smiles and milk bones. Check out these preview shots from issue #4:





The first three issues were a high energy spook-fest and I don’t expect issue #4 to be any different. Hopefully, we’ll see more of Beasts in 2010!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Drew

    Honestly it’s been one of the best series out there this year, fingers crossed they do another mini or an ongoing, cause there hasn’t been a bad issue yet in my book 🙂

  2. Andy

    Glad to hear you agree Drew!

  3. infinite speech

    Have I had my head in the sand? I haven’t heard of this one and apparently it’s really good too?

  4. Andy

    It’s VERY good Speech. Definitely worth a look!

  5. kenmeyerjr

    Any artist knows that drawing animals can be hard (for me, anyway)…and drawing animals that are both realistic but emotive is even harder. Thompson has been a very good watercolorist and comic artist for some time now and Dorkin has always been entertaining as a writer…this series looks really really good.

  6. billy

    @KM jr.- I was thinking the same thing about drawing animals! lol

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