Hey everybody, I just wanted to pass along a preview for this stunning work by Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons, The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century. It will be on the shelf in just two short weeks from Dark Horse! Definitely give it a look because you know what you’re going to get from Miller; he always delivers a tough and gritty story! It looks like a cross between V for Vendetta and Marvel’s 2099 series to me. Here are some pages from this awesome looking book followed by a short synopsis. Enjoy!
The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century arrives just in time for the 4th of July! A masterpiece nearly twenty years in the making, this archival volume contains the complete life story of Martha Washington, the twenty-first century freedom fighter! She was created by comic-book megastars Frank Miller (Sin City, 300) and Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), and her adventures are available now in a more affordable softcover edition.
Our story begins in the squalid corridors of a maximum-security housing project, where a young girl will rise from the war-torn streets of Chicago to battle injustice in a world insane with corruption. Her fight will take her far, from the frontlines of the second American Civil War, to the cold, unforgiving reaches of space. She will be called a hero, a traitor, and nearly everything in between, but all along the way, her courage, her integrity, and her unwavering commitment to that most valuable of rights-liberty-will inspire a movement that will never surrender.
* The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-first Century contains six hundred stunning pages of work from two of the top creators in comics!
* Collecting remastered versions of every Martha Washington story and featuring the same extensive behind-the-scenes section by Dave Gibbons and introduction by Frank Miller as the hardcover edition.
This looks fucking awesome.
This looks like a very interesting read. A little too heavy for me, but good nonetheless.
I’ve been waiting for this to come out for a while now. The absolute edition is a couple hundred dollars so I’ll be more than happy to pay thirty bucks for this story!
I have the original Dark Horse comics from the 90s: good for me. This highly recommended series in one volume: good for you.
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