Dark Horse Reviews: Hellboy in Hell #2

Hellboy in Hell #2
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Mike Mignola
Artist: Mike Mignola
Colors: Dave Stewart
To explore one’s origins is a slippery slope sometimes. In the case of Hellboy, well, with a name like that, you get the idea. Hellboy is currently in Hell, and is being given a tour of sorts. The exact purpose of this isn’t quite clear yet, but rest assured, it isn’t a vacation. No, Hellboy is being shown these various locations in Hell for a reason, and when he is shown the place of his birth, even he takes pause. We actually get to see his birth, which is quite a sight for sure. As an infant, he had his hand cut off by his father, and replaced with the Right Hand of Doom. Sort of a Vader/Luke situation, if you will. What is up for next issue looks to be even more ominous than that!
Another issue in, and we still aren’t much closer to finding out what the endgame is, but truthfully it’s a little refreshing to see Hellboy and nothing more than dialog and flashbacks. Typically he’s throwing punches at all sorts of beasts or blasting away with his over-sized pistol. The first issue had some action, but this one had virtually none. Again, it was slightly refreshing. In the long run, though, the regular readers are going to get bored quick if things don’t pick up sooner than later.
Mignola, as usual, was right on the money with this book. His style is perfect for Hellboy, and pretty much anything else he does, too. His chunky style is also perfect when you have the likes of Dave Stewart on colors. A more perfect combination cannot be found. The cover is no different. A perfect match between the two artists indeed. What will follow, only time will tell, but it seems that we’re going to dive deep into Hellboy’s past, and maybe his future as well! This is something that personally will be very gratifying, and I’m sure even long time Hellboy readers will enjoy the ride, too! Rating 4/5

Billy Dunleavy

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