Dark Horse Reviews: DEVIL#3

Devil #3
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Torajiro Kishi and MADHOUSE Studios
Artist: Torajiro Kishi and MADHOUSE Studios
Warning Spoilers Ahead!
So to start off, I love Devil so much, I tried to keep the reviews for issue #1 and #2 spoiler free; however now we are so deep into the mini, it’s unavoidable to give away some of the things happening. However, going off that, Devil issue #3 keeps its track record of bad-assness going by delivering another great issue filled with solid art and writing. Kishi and the Dark Horse crew just know what they’re doing with this title.
Issue #3 starts off with a bang, right in the middle of a battle where Takimoto gets hurt, and Migiwa runs off chasing after Nishioka. Our favorite devil gets to a shopping center and the bloodlust ensues, with people getting arms torn off, ripped in half, literally splattered against a wall: this is the stuff of gore-filled-gold this mini has become known for; it does splatter-horror and does it damn well. Things don’t turn out as planned, and Migiwa gets kidnapped and held hostage by Nishioka. We then lead to an eerie flashback, where we first see Nishioka and his interactions with Mariko, explaining to us why he became a devil, and setting up brilliantly what will be a fun and gore-filled conclusion in the final issue.
If you haven’t read Devil and love sci-fi and/or horror comics, it’s a must read for you. You don’t have to be a fan of manga/anime to enjoy this title. It’s well written, it’s bloody, it’s friggin’ cool (it’s even more addicting than that Telephone music video). Pick it up this week when you stop at your local shop.
Drew McCabe

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Decapitated Dan

    Awesome title I totally agree. You all need to check out this title, even if you wait for the trade. It’s very original and action packed. Love it, love it, love it!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    I’ll be picking it up in trade and so far 3 out of the four issues sound great!

  3. Billy

    Sounds like a blood filled book…I knew DD would like it. 🙂

  4. Kristin

    It’s from Madhouse? So what is it exactly? Are they writing an American book, or is this being brought over?

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