Hey there Boils and Ghouls. Welcome back to another installment of the Dark Delights. This month we dive into the dungeon of reviews and take a look at Deadworld: Slaughterhouse TPB, 28 Days Later #6, Dingo #3, Ash-Tray Comics #1, Devil #1, Vincent Price Presents #17 and Quarantine #1.
Issue: Deadworld: Slaughterhouse TPB
Writer: Gary Reed
Artist: Sami Makkonen
Letters: Nate Pride, Bernie Lee
Publisher: Desperado Publishing
Release Date: January 2010
Pages: 112
Price: $19.99
“This original graphic novel, written by Gary Reed is illustrated by Sami Makkonen, artist of the best selling Hatter M graphic novel! Many humans find themselves trapped in a world of the walking dead and the living who will do anything to survive. The promise of “Safe Haven” reveals a much darker and sinister purpose, when victims find themselves in a medical facility, a “Slaughterhouse,” which will stop at nothing to combat the zombie plague, including using humans as guinea pigs. Survivors find that the greatest horror may not be the zombies, but their own kind.”
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
Alright before we get too far into the artwork I want to make it very clear that I loved it. I don’t think there could have been a better artist to do this story and one who fits into the fold of other Deadworld artists so well. Now that being said, this book is gore-geous with some flaws. While the characters are not always consistent and sometimes a little hard to decipher, it fits with what has come before. With this series I have come to expect a rougher more jagged art style, it really lends to the atmosphere of the story. So while it’s not the most detailed or technically sound work, it works here 10 out of 10 times.
Story: 4.5 out of 5
There is one thing I want to point out when it comes to the story. Gary Reed mentioned that he wanted this book to be accessible to everyone without knowledge of the past 20+ years of Deadworld. While I applaud the effort I think you would have to know some of what has come before to get who some of the characters are here. Aside from that the story is nothing but solid. The interactions between characters flow very nicely, and the build up and short story essay pages are great. There is a lot of story crammed into these pages so it is easily worth the cover price. I have to ask myself though, will we ever win?
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
How do you continue to build on 20+ years worth of story? You write this amazing collection, that’s how. I am starting to wonder though: can the human race ever win? Back in 1987 the Deadworld universe started and even though we don’t get new stories on a consistent basis, we are constantly reminded of how great this series is. So listen up my zombie and horror lovers and buy this book! The artwork and story are solid. This is just another chapter in what I would argue is the best Zombie-verse around… and it is still going strong.
If you would like to know more about or purchase a copy of Deadworld: Slaughterhouse TPB
please go to http://www.desperadopublishing.com or http://www.garyreed.net/.

Issue: 28 Days Later #6
Writer: Michael Alan Nelson
Artist: Declan Shalvey
Colors: Nick Filardi
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Editors: Ian Brill
Cover Artists: Tim Bradstreet, Sean Phillips
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Release Date: February 2010
Pages: 24
Price: $3.99
“Selena, Derrick and Clint have set their sights on London. Selena has survived one war with The Infected but can she make it through a second time? They’ve got a machete that’s hacked its share of infected and a gun with only nine bullets. Ammo, and time, is running out…“
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
We welcome back Declan in this issue and he stepped his game up. This issue is filled with great action scenes. It seems almost like his detail work even took a step forward as each panel shines. The coloring is again spot on and really helps to setup the mood. Overall another great looking issue.
Story: 4.0 out of 5
Sometimes the issues of this book can be really fast paced and then others switch it around and are slowly paced. What’s funny is how both work so well in moving this story along. I know there are people out there who want more story for the price, but what Nelson delivers here is another hook and some great character building as we see how the cast reacts to certain situations.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
It seems like each issue all I do is praise how well the story line moves along. I love the ending this issue had and it just leaves me salivating at the idea of getting issue #7 now. This series is full of action and should be read by all horror fans.
If you would like to buy 28 Days Later #6 you can pick it up at your local comic shop. For more on BOOM! Studios please check out http://www.boom-studios.com/
Issue: Dingo #3
Creator & Writer: Michael Alan Nelson
Artist: Francesco Biagini
Colors: Stephen Downer
Letters: James Dashiell
Editors: Matt Gagnon, Dafna Pleban
Cover Artists: Francesco Biagini, Paul Harmon
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Release Date: February 2010
Pages: 24
Price: $3.99
This issue just took this series another step forward when it comes to the artwork. I liked the style that is used here, but in this issue we welcome more blood and guts! I honestly am in love with the look of Cerberus and the dog is my main interest in this issue. Aside from that we also get to see Eunice Devereaux and my god is she hideous! This is so far the best looking issue of the mini.
Story: 4.0 out of 5.0
So as if the art wasn’t good enough, Nelson delivers the most intense and action packed story here! We also get some answers to what is in the box. The dialogue is solid and the story moves along at a great pace. This is probably the most enjoyable issue for me so far. Just a great book in the making.
If you would like to buy Dingo #3 you can pick it up at your local comic shop. For more on BOOM! Studios please check out http://www.boom-studios.com/
Issue: Ash-Tray Comics #1
Writers: Eric Schock, Sasa Bralic, Michael Kraiger, Javier Alvarado, Karl Savage, Don Kunkel
Artists: Eric Schock, Sasa Bralic, Michael Kraiger, Javier Alvarado, Karl Savage, Don Kunkel, Jason Boehm, Shaun O’Neil, Andre Renuad
Editor: Adrian Cronin
Cover Artists: Karl Slominski
Publisher: Evil Robo Productions
Release Date: 2007
Pages: 40
Price: $4.95
“This Issue is the first of a anthology. 7 Tales of Adventure,Horror,and Sci-fi. Stories by: Eric Schock – The Bald Avenger/Jim Haggin:Detective for Hire, Sasa Bralic – The Dream, Michael Kraiger – The Zone, Javier Alvarado – Crash Johnson, Don Kunkel – Swimming with Razors and Karl Savage – Procrastination. With Pin-ups by, Eric Schock, Jason Boehm, Shaun O’neil, Andre Renaud Jr., and Javier Alvarado”
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5.0
Right up front you should know this is a great looking anthology book. All of the artists have great styles and not a single one seems unequal to the rest. Each story has its own unique look that is portrayed so well. I’m not sure of its influences, but I really pick up a Scott Wegener, Michael Avon Oeming and Rob Schaub vibe from some of the artwork. I honestly can’t say that I had a favorite because they were all really great.
Story: 4.0 out of 5.0
So if the art was so good how about the stories? I’ve got one gripe: they were too short. Yeah, yeah I know it’s an anthology book, but some were really compelling that I wanted to know more about. The stories that were short and definitively finished within their pages were great. There is a great mix of humor in the stories and it just made this that much more enjoyable. I can’t wait to get on to issue #2 and see where some of these stories go.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5.0
I always like to say that anthologies are hard to review, but it is so true. You can love one story then hate the next, but you have to judge the book overall. With this issue you have solid fun from start to finish. While I like the single issue format I think a few of these could have benefited from a few more pages only because of how great they were. You get a good mix of genre’s too, but the horror ones are right on. So great art and nice stories easily make this one shine.
If you would like to buy or know more about Ash Tray Comics #1 please check out http://www.evilrobo.com/
Issue: Devil #1
Story & Art: Torajiro Kishi, Madhouse Studios
Letters: Sasquatch
Editors: Tim Ervin
Cover Artist: Torajiro Kishi
Publisher: Dark Horse
Release Date: February 2010
Pages: 28
Price: $3.50
While this isn’t the most stunning work you will ever see, it does a nice job of executing on each page. It is true to the manga style, and as a person who is not a big fan of that, it was still a fun looking issue. Most of the colors seemed a little flat at the beginning, but when I got more towards the end of the issue, the colors played a large part into the 3.5 score. The way the brightness of the villain was depicted was just amazing and to me was easily the highlight of the issue. Overall though I enjoyed the look and would read issue #2 based on the art alone.
Story: 4.0 out of 5.0
So the art is good, but what about the story? I enjoyed this one a lot. I thought it had a nice pace to it. It wasn’t too wordy, but got across what it needed to. A solidly written first issue. In regards to the subject matter, I really like it. I like the idea behind the vampires here, as it is vastly different from the typical approach.
If you would like to buy Devil #3 you can pick it up at your local comic shop. For more on Dark Horse please check out http://www.darkhorse.com/
Issue: Vincent Price Presents #17
Writer: Nick Lyons
Artist: Juan Tomajok
Colors: Kamui Oscuro
Letters: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Graphics: Darren Davis
Publisher: BlueWater Comics
Release Date: March 2010
Pages: 36
Price: $3.99
“After her husband is brutally murdered by a psychotic gunslinger named Soulless Sam, Emily and her son Peter try to start a new life. But, can Emily and Peter live in peace or will Soulless Sam continue to terrorize them?“
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
This is a really nice looking issue. I like the oddly shaped characters, it gives them a very original feel while maintaining their purpose. The same can be said about the coloring and cover. The action scenes were done very well as I got a good feel for what was going on. I really enjoyed this style, and plan on looking more into Tomajok’s work.
Story: 2.5 out of 5
I won’t beat around the bush on this one. The story started really strong and just fizzled out at the end. I liked the mystery and buildup that was taking place, but I kinda felt I was left hanging at the end. It just seemed rushed. The dialogue was absent to showcase the action but the final page just seemed like an after school special. It’s sad too because I really thought it was going somewhere good. Possibly could have been a two part issue as some aspects that were touched on didn’t seem necessary with the end result.
Dying Breath: 3.0 out of 5
Overall I will say that the art saved this one. The story started off strong, but just went flat at the end. I think it could have had more to it if a few things had shifted around. This was my first chance to take a look at this series and I can say I plan on reading some more issues in the near future.
If you would like to know more about or purchase a copy of Vincent Price Presents #17 please go to http://www.bluewaterprod.com/.
Issue: Quarantine #1
Writer: Michael Moreci
Pencils & Inks: Monty Borror
Colors: Lauren Anne Sharp
Letters: Jim Campbell
Publisher: Insomnia Publications
Release Date: 2009
Pages: 24
Price: $4.95
“In a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a virus is released into the water supply, transforming people into vicious killers. The military shuts down the borders—no way in, no way out. A group of survivors trapped within the town must survive against the infected, against the odds, and against each other.“
Artwork: 3.5 out of 5.0
Welcome to the world of Quarantine, a dark place full of confusion and action. I really enjoyed the pencil and ink work by Borror here. I think that he did a nice job with the designs and looks of the cast. There is great detail work on every panel. My main grief is with the coloring. I think it’s tough to color a story like this, because it can take away from the overall mood if not done right. So with the coloring here you get the nice dark tones that help add to the setting, which is good, but there seems to be the same tone throughout. I guess I would compare it to a person who is monotone. Just always on the same level, no real highs or lows come up.
Story: 4.0 out of 5.0
Sure we have a lot of stories in this style or particular horror genre. So in order to stand out you have to be able to work on a few things. One of those is to deliver a great story, full of well paced and believable dialogue, and some nice strong plot points to keep the reader interested. So given that this is a prequel to the upcoming graphic novel, I can easily say it delivers on both of those fronts. Nice action scenes mixed with some story building in this one. It really has my interested piqued for the upcoming book.
Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5.0
A nice introduction to this world of the infected. I like where the story is going and the artwork is right on track to make the upcoming book worth buying. Some good action and nice pacing really sell this one-shot as a winner. I can’t wait to see what Moreci and Borror bring to the table later this year.
If you would like to buy or know more about Quarantine #1 please check out http://www.michaelmoreci.com/
Decapitated Dan
I’m pretty behind on 28 Days Later that I’ll probably just get them in trades. The couple of issues that I did read were some of the BEST comics I had read in a while. My LCS doesn’t seem to order enough
Really diggin that Dingo #3 cover.
I’m gonna have to get the 28 Days Later trades, I’m thinking! I’d like to get into it!
Is that Quarantine movie related? Shirley it is.
I’ve only heard good thing about 28 Days Later and Devil. I may have to give’em a shot…
No Quarantine is not movie related. It was being written when the movie came it. From what I have been told it has been renamed because of people thinking the same thing.
As for 28 Days Later it is an amazing bridge between the two movies that just keeps picking up steam each issue.
So if 28 Days Later is only bridging the gap, it’ll end soon? It is only a mini?
No M.A.N. is looking to take it 60 issues. I mean your covering 28 weeks of how did it go from screwed up to a new society. What the comic is doing is showing how Selena, from 28 Days Later, and a group of Americans try to get back into London. Right now they are in Scotland, as of issue #9 and the US Army is after them for trying to sneak back in.
Well, I haven’t seen 28 Weeks Later, so I’m going to get in this series and THEN watch the movie after 60 issues!