DC Universe News: Warner Bros. Creates DC Entertainment

Warner-Bros.1Early yesterday morning Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. made an announcement on their website that they have formed a new company involving DC Comics. This company will be known as DC Entertainment. Warner Bros. has hired Diane Nelson to serve as President. Paul Levitz, whom many of you know as President and Publisher of DC Comics, will shift over from DC Comics to Writer, Editor, and Consultant for DC Entertainment. Here’s the gist of what this new company is about according to the press release:

“DC Entertainment, a separate division of WBEI, will be charged with strategically integrating the DC Comics business, brand and characters deeply into Warner Bros. Entertainment and all its content and distribution businesses. DC Entertainment, which will work with each of the Warner Bros. divisions, will also tap into the tremendous expertise the Studio has in building and sustaining franchises and prioritize DC properties as key titles and growth drivers across all of the Studio, including feature films, television, interactive entertainment, direct-to-consumer platforms and consumer products. The DC Comics publishing business will remain the cornerstone of DC Entertainment, releasing approximately 90 comic books through its various imprints and 30 graphic novels a month and continuing to build on its creative leadership in the comic book industry.”

The full press release can be found by clicking here.

This seems like a solid move to me. Warner Bros. has always been behind any movies and television shows that deal with anything DC Comics so the quality of what is produced shouldn’t wane, but increase with the formation of DC Entertainment. This is, afterall, a company devoted to incorporating more of the DCU into Warner Bros. with Paul Levitz as a consultant. I expect we can look forward to seeing more of our favorite comic characters and stories come to the the big screen along with other forms of entertainment, such as television and video games.

Jordan West

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Andy

    Let the franchise war begin!

  2. Eli

    This sounds like good news for all of us wanting to see more of the DC people.

  3. AJ Duer

    I’m so excited!!!! Great article!

  4. andrewhurst

    This excites me to no end!! I’m absolutely thrilled that DC is focusing itself into an stronger company and can’t wait to see what they do on the fututre! and I’m excited to see what book Paul Levitz jumps on first!

  5. Adam

    This sounds amaaazing!!!

  6. Jason

    This makes me happy! I can only hope that we will see more animated and live action films coming out on a more regular basis! So I want more Teen Titans and dare I say it…dare I dream that high….Blackest Night..please oh please!

  7. billy

    Please leave Superman on the shelf for a while. He’s spent.

  8. Jeff Jackson

    Good to know DC is raising the bar, here. Thanks Disney/Marvel!

  9. Kelly

    Oooh, this should be interesting. I wonder if Fire and Ice will ever make it onto the big screen.

    Anywho, let’s hope it’s good quality versus quantity.

  10. The Movie Lady

    Can’t wait!

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