DC Previews: Batman and Robin #12

Out next week, May 5, from writer Grant Morrison and artist Andy Clarke is Batman and Robin #12. This issue wraps up the Batman Vs. Robin story arc with a few revelations, the identity of the Domino Killer, the secret behind the dominoes, and the truth behind El Penitente! Also, look forward to the much anticipated return of a fan favorite!  So be sure to pick up Batman and Robin #12 next week! Here is a little taste to hold you over.

All is revealed! Can’t say that I’ve been waiting for this. Batman and Robin has been an okay read, but not something I’m dying to read each month. In the line of Bat books I put this one at the end. Maybe this issue, being that it’s the end of the arc, will spice things up a bit. Heck, the cover says this is the beginning of the return of Bruce Wayne, so something has to make me go “oh shit!” We’ll see.

Jordan West

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I’ve actually liked the series so far except for a few issues here and there. That cover is….”interesting” to say the least lol Batman’s leg looks unnaturally long and just off.

  2. Andy

    You’re not liking this series!? I think since the “Return of Bruce Wayne” tag has been slapped on it (issue #10 I think?) it’s been absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to see what happens next!!

  3. Billy

    @Speech- I thought Batman was larger than life…

  4. Jordan

    @Andy- It’s not that I think it’s terrible, I just haven’t been blown away yet, which is something I’m willing to wait for. Like I said, I’m waiting for that “oh shit” moment, lol!

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