DC Comics Reviews: DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe #3

DC Comics Reviews: DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe #3

DCU_VS_MOTU_3_odiquwewtj_-197x300DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe #3
Publhiser: DC Comics
Writer: Keith Giffen
Artist: Dextor Soy, Derlis Santacruz, & Andres Ponce
Cover: Ed Benes, Alejandro Sicat, & Randy Mayor

After slaying a certain Justice League member, He-Man discovers that they are not only heroes but friends of Batman. His remorse leads him to surrender, however, Evil-Lynn doesn’t trust them since they were under the control of Skeletor, and teleports the Eternians away. As the various Justice Leagues rally to find the misplaced heroes, Skeletor and Black Alice continue on their mission to siphon all of Earth’s magic, and we finally get to see the identity of the entity behind Skeletor’s plans.

One thing about this crossover is that Giffen has kept it nothing but fun and unpredictable since the first issue. From the revelation about He-Man’s mother to the reveal in this issue it has been worth it to see how he’s developed this story so far. This issue in particular further shows that this is not your 80s He-Man, nor is he to be taken lightly. And while we do get brief appearances from the various Justice Leagues, the book doesn’t feel over crowded even when the team of Eternians led by Man-At-Arms shows up. Giffen also keeps things going at a smooth pace that only keeps building until he leaves you wanting more with the cliffhanger at the end! The only plot element that seems a bit bothersome is the continuing theme of Batman being the most competent and informative person on the Justice League team.

The visuals are split between three artists, and this is where things get a little jumpy at times. Dexter Soy’s style differs from the other two, so it’s a sudden change when you turn the page and it’s not his work anymore. Especially when he’s had the chance to solidify himself very well in the past two issues. With that said, what Santacruz and Ponce bring to the issue isn’t a bad thing, and the little hiccup when transitioning to the different styles doesn’t last for long. Though, Soy’s rendition of Skeletor’s new look is one of the best, so it’s always a treat when he gets to draw this imposing new image for the longtime villain in the Masters of the Universe franchise.

DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe might end up being the sleeper hit among all of the other crossovers and events DC is doing right now. Giffen has taken what is probably one of the most unlikeliest of combinations and made it one seamless and exciting read! Fans of either should be reading and enjoying this series!

Infinite Speech



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