DC Reviews: Truth & Justice #1

DC Reviews: Truth & Justice #1

Truth & Justice #1
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne
Penciler: Chriscross
Inker: Jordi Tarragona
Colorist: Wil Quintana
Letterer: Andworld Design

So I was not acquainted with Vixen prior to reading this, but OMG I love her! Thorne has written such a strong-willed woman that is honestly such a great role model for girls. Mari McCabe is literally a model… but also a superhero, Vixen. She fights for what she believes in and does not take no for an answer or let anyone push her around. I love how she basically calls out the set designer at the beginning for being kind of racist with the African theme and lists several other shoots with the exact same stereotypical set: a lion in the jungle (which honestly never even made sense to me as lions don’t live in jungles but that’s a whole other conversation…).

The dynamics between Vixen and the other characters, primarily Mist and Impala, is great and brings a little bit of humor. She compares Impala to Idris and later on mentions dinner to him, giving her all the power in the flirting and showing that it’s ok if a woman makes the first move. It is really cool also to see a man playing a side role and the women are the main heroes, as Impala essentially plays sidekick to Vixen and Flint (Flint is another kick-butt heroine that I would love to learn more about).

The art team adds such amazing details that truly up the intensity, especially when it comes to being possessed by the gods. I also love that Vixen’s costume is subtly sexy; usually female heroes have short skirts or tons of cleavage and generally have heels which seems majorly impractical, but Vixen’s costume keeps everything covered and her shoes are actually flat and look to be comfy. Flint’s costume is the same way in that everything is covered, even in a skirt since they gave her shorts underneath, and she has on practical footwear; Flint even gets knee pads which honestly, why do pretty much no heroes have padding or protection of any kind? Can we please have more heroines dressing practical like Vixen and Flint for chasing after the bad guys? The only real downside to the art is that the totem Vixen wears is rather reminiscent of another certain catlike hero so I feel like maybe that could have been changed up a bit more.

The storyline develops well throughout the pages and has been left in a way that we can maybe expect to see more and I am so here for it! What’s not to love about a strong, independent, female lead? I absolutely cannot wait for the next issue. And can I just say that Thorne has been killing it lately with these storylines! 5/5

Anna Copp

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. klue

    Vixen was always a poor man’s Storm to me because DC could NEVER do right by her beyond a couple of cool moments. If it wasn’t for the Justice League cartoon where she was a total badass I would have forgotten about her but it sounds like this Thorne guy has something pretty good going. Might have to check it out

    1. Anna Copp

      Hi! So glad you enjoyed the review! I thought she was awesome in this and definitely recommend it 🙂

  2. Rick-E

    For some reason I thought this was going to be a Superman book so I skipped it. Nice to see DC giving other characters some time to shine in some solo books.

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