Static: Season One #2
Publisher: DC
Writer: Vita Ayala
Artist: ChrisCross & Nikolas Draper-Ivey
Letters: Andworld Design
Cover: Khary Randolph & Emilio Lopez
I was not expecting the second issue of Static to hit as hard as it did but that’s what I get for underestimating this creative team. Vita Ayala raises the bar with a narrative that takes you on an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. They give us a glimpse of another Bang Baby before we get to the stand off between Static and Hotstreak. Vita makes their rivalry so personal and bitter here as Hotstreak gives not one solitary $#@! as he wraps the Hawkins’ home in flames and tries to destroy their lives. It’s not only the superhero action where Vita excels, but the human element as well. When they slow things down there’s still a nice dramatic build as Virgil’s parents have one of the most honest and Black discussions regarding experimentation and the possibility of more people poking around their son due to his abilities. Jean’s viewpoint on being a Black woman and the dangers they face in the medical field was such a moving conversation and I’m so glad Vita had her deliver so much truth to her husband. We also get to see what Holocaust has been up to as Virgil reaches out to Curtis Metcalf, aka Hardware, for some help.
The visuals from Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Chriscross are once again some of the best to hit the shelves this week in comics. They bring high-energy to a fight that was supposed to be winding down and in it’s final moments, it’s one of the best action sequences and emotional gut punches all in one. The rest of the issue continues to be just as eye catching from dynamic panel layouts to strong emotional moments doing what it takes to reinforce the great narrative of the story. It might not be much to some, but showcasing that Virgil is a skater was a nice touch.
A comic as good as Static: Season One is what you get when you trust talented, fresh, new voices to tell the stories of these classic characters. If you had any doubts going into the relaunch of this series, just know that this one here should wipe all of those away as you prepare to settle in for the rest of Season One!
Infinite Speech
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