Batman: Curse of the White Knight #8
Publisher: DC Black Label
Writer: Sean Murphy
Artist: Sean Murphy
Colors: Matt Hollingsworth
Letters: AndWorld Design
Cover: Sean Murphy & Matt Hollingsworth
The finale is here and in this writer’s opinion, Murphy and Hollingsworth stuck the landing with the conclusion to Curse of the White Knight! This is the issue where many readers get nervous because the lead up to this has been so well done that you don’t want to see the things fall flat.
The final showdown between Batman and Azrael takes up a good portion of the issue and as much as it’s a visual spectacle, Murphy drops quite a few gems along the way as the two men fight for something beyond themselves. After the truth regarding both was revealed, this confrontation had to meet that level of expectations and through some tense and gripping dialogue we get that and more. Murphy set the stage quite well as it was the conversations with two key characters in Batman’s life – Dick and Alfred – that helped to build up to that big moment. It was these emotional sequences juxtaposed against the action that really made this one shine. Even the Harley and Bruce relationship shift is one that not only makes sense but it totally works here.

If you’ve been here since the first issue then you already know what to expect from Murphy and Hollingsworth when it comes to the visual storytelling. The callbacks to Zorro with the fight were some of the highlights which was executed so well. The power and agility of the movements were excellent and the rapiers were a nice touch that added another layer to their fight. The panel where the Batboat is floating in the still waters with Gotham in the background is such a great panel due to Hollingsworth’s colors. They enhanced the quiet moment but you’re still reminded of the violence with the splash of blood on the Batboat and the glow of Gotham in the background.
Overall, this is another great chapter in what’s been dubbed The Murphyverse among the fans. Let’s hope what comes next is just as exciting and unpredictable! – 4/5
Infinite Speech
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