Top Cow Reviews: The Darkness #79 Review

drkness79Publisher: Top Cow
Writer: Phil Hester
Artist: Jorge Lucas
Cover (B):Whilce Portacio, Joe Weems, & Sunny Gho

” Regicide“:  If you don’t know who Jackie Estacado is then you definitely need to jump into this issue of The Darkness!  It’s the starting point for a new direction in his life as he embarks on a mission of revenge.  He was duped by a guy named Sovereign, who is cursed to only live through statues that were made in his image.  Jackie finally discovered he was the Sovereign’s patsy and attacked one of his safe houses, and ended up taking out the mercs who were trained to kill him, leaving all but one, and actually hired him to help take out the Sovereign permanently.  They take over the safe house, which also has info on the location of other secretly stored host bodies and provides them a base of operations.

This issue focuses on Jackie bringing together his new organization, and shows us how he recruited each member.  He’s pretty straight forward with everyone, letting them know about his curse and what their objectives are in regards to their specialties. He has one rule though, and that’s not for any of them to step foot in New York while they are working for him.  His one time girlfriend and bearer of the Witchblade, Sara Pezzini, “kindly” told him to stay the hell out.  From here on introductions are made, and we take a few trips back in time for some interesting back stories.

The story could have been just a series of montages that left the reader with a bad taste, however Phil Hester gives a good character driven story here. There is a bit of action but not much, so it’s a little heavy on the dialogue, but believe me it’s worth it! Yes, we’ve seen these types of characters before, but it’s always nice when a writer can make them more interesting.  Like when new recruit Vike strolls into a local dojo and relieves himself in the middle of the ring, then proceeds to beat the hell out of everyone there without zipping up!  In a few panels he “coincidentally” looks like wrestler Triple H. Jorge Lucas’ visual style fits the mood of the book like a glove.  I’ve been a fan of his for a bit, I’m always happy to see his work, so I hope he stays on this title for a while.

Again, I say if you haven’t started this series and want to check it out, this is a good time to do so.

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Andy

    Whizzing in public?

    Ok, I’m convinced; I’ll give it a whirl!

  2. billy

    Sounds like someone else I know who likes urinating into bushes?!

  3. Kristin

    Sounds pretty amusing, actually. Wasn’t there a video game called The Darkness?

  4. Infinite Speech

    yep there was Kris and it was actually voted one of the mose under rated games out there! I’ve only played a demo a while back but it was pretty fun and gives you control of the Darkness and Darklings. I’ve been thinking about picking it up since it’s so cheap right now…hmmm

  5. Infinite Speech

    Nice one Billy I just caught that! lol

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