Creepy #1 Review

Being a fan of horror comics and all things creepy, I love this series! Now with the re-launch of the cult classic Creepy by Dark Horse, I have another outlet to feed my horror addiction. While I never got a chance to read Creepy when it was first published, I always wanted to read them. Unfortunately the title cancelled before I ever got a chance to pick one up. I’m excited to give this series a go and see what I missed all those years ago.

creepyCreepy contains 6 tales of horror and things that go bump in the night! The artist and writers for each tale is different, so you get a wide variety of work in this issue. The artwork in the book is done in black and white and is top knotch stuff. Uncle Creepy makes an appearance, reintroducing the classic character from the original series. Uncle Creepy is the host or Mc and provides colorful segues between tales.


“The Curse”

Writer: Joe Harris

Artist: Jason Shawn Alexander

The Curse is about a young man who finds he has the ability to alter what others perceive as reality. He ends up using this ability in some horrible ways, and finds an unexpected skeleton in his family closet. This tale is dark and looks like it has some potential.



“Hellhound Blues”

Writer: Dan Braun

Artist: Angelo Torres

Hellhound Blues is a short tale about a couple of blues music collectors trying to track down a rare recording. They swindle an old man of his blues albums and he tells them where they can find their holy grail; they get more than they bargained for in the deal!



“Chemical 13”

Writer: Michael Woods

Artist: Saskia Gutekunst

Chemical 13 is a tale from World War II. Nazi’s test their newest nerve gas formula on prisoners of a concentration camp, and the tests have some unexpected side effects; like creating a horde of flesh eating zombies! This could be my favorite tale in this book, I can’t wait to see what happens next.



“All the Help You Need”

Writer: Neil Kleid

Artist: Brian Churilla

All the Help You Need is about a weight loss camp that wants to help you lose weight, or die trying! Think “The Most Dangerous Game”  meets “Biggest Loser.”



“Loathsome Lore”

Writer: Craig Haffner, Dan Braun, Shawna Gore

Artist: Hilary Barta

Loathsome Lore is an informational piece following the Devil and some famous faces that may or may not have had some devlish influence in their rise to fame. This made me laugh as it’s funny and pokes fun at some lame celebrities.



“Daddy and Pie”

Writer: Bill Dubay

Artist: Alex Toth

Daddy and Pie is a classic story from the original Creepy that’s about an alien crash landing in a rural farm community. The alien gets taken in by a family who names him Pie. While this isn’t a horror story, it’s more of a science fiction story, it’s still a great read and I enjoyed reading it.


Scott Andrews

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I’ve only rarely picked up a horror title back in the day and I guess the only thing close to a horror title I collect now is Walking Dead, however this Creepy #1 just may get picked up because it’s got a zombie story in it!

  2. billy

    This cover alone scares the crap outta me. Great review.

  3. The Movie Lady

    Right when you started describing Chemical 13 it sounded great. Can’t wait to hear if it’s as good as it sounds!

  4. ken meyer jr

    Wow…I didn’t know this even existed! All those Warren titles have a special place in my heart…wish they were still in my collection!

  5. ken meyer jr

    Oh, one complaint…why didn’t you list some of the creators involved? I would love to know what artists were inside!

  6. Scott

    Got it updated for ya Ken, Thanks for the comment!

  7. Kelly

    Not a big horror buff, but some of these look interesting. Thanks again, Scott. 🙂

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