Crisis of Infinite Reviews 09/01/10

Welcome everyone, to a new batch of DC reviews. There aren’t that many books this week, which will change, but it is still a good set of books to read. First up we have the most recent installment of Brighest Day followed by the Red Hood.

Minor spoilers ahead!

Brightest Day #9
Writer: Geoff Johns and Peter J. Tomasi
Artist(s): Patrick Gleason, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Rebecca Bachman, Keith Champagne, and Tom Nguyen
Cover Artist: David Finch
Publisher: DC

With every issue released in this story, each individual story gets developed just a little more. This week’s issue focuses on Aquaman and Martian Manhunter. Martian Manhunter, who recently learned that another Martian was alive on Earth, set out to burn down Star City’s forest, where he believed the Martian was residing. When he arrived, however, the forest’s magic effected his own powers, turning him into a monstrous creature, only to be stopped by the Green Arrow. Meanwhile, Boston Brand had asked the White Ring to take him to Green Lantern, but instead it brought him to Aquaman, who happened to be underwater. The two of them, plus Dove and Mera, discussed the instructions that have been left to them by the White Entity and the importance in completing these jobs. A couple issues ago we had our first appearance of the new Aqualad, and this week we learn something intriguing about him.
This issue was fairly decent, though definitely not the best of the series. Martian Manhunter’s battle with Green Arrow was interesting, though seemingly unnecessary. The best part was when Martian Manhunter expressed his ideas on second chances, which was heartfelt and powerful. The Aquaman story is progressing at a steady pace, however that just happens to be a steady slow pace. Hopefully with the appearance of both Black Manta and Mera’s sister the action will speed up. 3/5

Red Hood: The Lost Days #4
Writer: Judd Winick
Artist: Jeremy Haun
Cover Artist: Billy Tucci
Publisher: DC

The mini-series continues doing a great job of developing Jason Todd’s history as well as the character himself. Todd has been traveling the globe in search of teachers who can school him in the ways of destruction and murder. However, the fact that these men are scum does not sneak past Todd’s notice. Once his training has ended, the teachers meet their demise in a number of different ways. With the limitless amount of cash, supplied by Talia al Ghul, Todd is able to travel the world learning from the best of the worst. The definitive history behind Jason Todd has been a great series explaining some of Todd’s decisions and actions, while also incorporating some new and interesting stories. Overall this was a really good issue. Having Jason Todd go on a journey that parallels the journey that Bruce has taken is just great, especially considering the difference in choice of teachers. The series is also doing a great job painting Todd as something more than just a psychotic murderer. The scene where Jason first learns of Tim’s existence is heartbreaking and really goes a long way in cementing this idea that Todd is more than just a murderous vigilante. 3.5/5

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Eli

    I liked Brightest Day alright, though thats probably only because of MM.

  2. Billy

    Ollie kicks major arse!

  3. Anisa

    I liked Red Hood better then Brightest Day, which felt filler-ish to me. The scene were Jason Todd finds out about Tim is super sad and I feel even worse because he’s not a terrible person, like I thought he was, he just kills where superheroes don’t.

  4. Arnab

    Red Hood is great. It’s a great story, really developing Jason Todd, and the art is nice. It was definitely the better book between the two, in my opinion.

  5. Nick

    I like the Red Hood book it was interesting and you do feel bad for him when he sees the pictures of Tim. Brightest Day got awesome in that issue where they all were given hints as to why they are back but it’s been kind of a let down ever since.

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