Crisis of Infinite Reviews 08/26/15

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 08/26/15

grayson 11-1Grayson #11
Writers: Tim Seeley and Tom King
Artists: Mikel Janin and Jeremy Cox
Cover Artists: Mikel Janin and Jeremy Cox
Publisher: DC

Dick Grayson has never had an easy life, that much is certain, however he’s always had someone to help him through it all. Unfortunately for him, he’s currently at one of the lowest points in his life and he has no friends or family to support him. This series has been absolutely fantastic its entire run and continues to get better and better. This issue was filled with action, drama, but also quite a few character driven moments that really focused on Grayson and his identity. The mind controlling aspect of this story is a compelling plot twist, namely because Dick Grayson is probably the greatest prize in terms of controlling the mind of a superhero. His relation to Batman puts him smack dab in the middle of all things and also his relationships with the other heroes makes him an even larger prize/threat, because he is so wildly loved. It will be fun to find out if his decision to return to Gotham is fully his own because of the recent events or if he’s been mentally nudged into doing so. 4/5

we are robin 3We Are Robin #3
Writer: Lee Bermejo
Artists: Jorge Corona, Khary Randolph, Patricia Mulvihill, and Emilio Lopez
Cover Artists: Lee Bermejo and James Harvey
Publisher: DC

With three issues published, the tone and direction of this series has pretty much been established, and for the most part things are looking good. The premise of the series, having a group of outcasts have been brought together to do good, is a common one however this one has a nice twist to it. This issue in particular did a great job of taking the action and suspense to the next level. And with the surprise ending, this series has a strong basis. The only issue that this book really has is that there are way too many characters. If this issue were further down the publishing line, somewhere around the tenth or eleventh issue, the large cast wouldn’t particularly be a problem. However, because this is still just the third issue, the book would have been better off with fewer characters and more interaction and development. As it is, there are just so many characters that when one dies, his death is almost irrelevant. 3.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I was actually shocked when that character died so early in the series. I also think the character death serves a purpose to remind these kids that the stakes are pretty high. It’s not just about rooftop acrobatics and fights but that sacrifices might have to be made and sometimes the price is your life. WAR is still one of my favorite new titles so I could be a little bias.

    1. Arnab

      I’ll admit that I was shocked that one of them died, but it was pretty much just that, shock.
      For me though, there wasn’t any emotional impact, because at this point, I feel like they’re pretty much all interchangeable with one another because there’s so many of them.

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