Crisis of Infinite Reviews 07/06/11

Batman and Robin #25
Writer: Judd Winick
Artists: Greg Tocchini and Andy Smith
Cover Artist: Guillem March
Publisher: DC

Not a day has passed since Jason Todd was broken out of prison, and he’s already at odds with the people who broke him out. It would appear that the same lady who ordered Jason’s breakout also kidnapped his old partner, Scarlet. Because of this, the Dynamic Duo and Jason Todd work together to saver her, regardless of their different methods. During the middle of the fight Jason escapes along with Scarlet.
First, allow me to start by saying that I think Winick writes a fantastic Jason Todd and that’s no different in this issue. In fact, the dialog, specifically between Todd and the Dynamic Duo, is absolutely great. However, the story had a few flaws. We don’t get a lot of information about the person who set Jason Todd’s breakout into motion. In fact, the issue feels a lot more like part of a story as opposed to the conclusion. Overall I thought that this was a good issue. Anytime Winick is writing Todd, you can almost guarantee a great story. Even more unfortunate than the flaws in the story was the art. I can’t fathom why DC was unable to find one artist to draw up a three issue arc, but whatever the reason, the art was not great.  4/5

Superboy #9
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Pier Gallo
Cover Artist: Karl Kershl
Publisher: DC

Superboy, Psionic Lad, Simon, and Krypto are joined by the Phantom Stranger in an attempt to rescue Lori, who had recently been kidnapped. During this mission the rescuers break off into two groups in order to cover more ground. Psionic Lad reveals himself to being in town with the intention of killing Simon. We also learn just why the Phantom Stranger has been sticking his nose into Smallville’s business. I’ll give you a hint: everything is not as it seems.
This was a fairly strong issue, though it does feel just a tad crammed. We get the return of a previous villain, the heroes have to deal with the Hollow men, Psionic Lad reveals that he’s there to kill Simon, and on top of that the Phantom Stranger is not really the Phantom Stranger. Admittedly, even with all that information the issue stays relatively confusion free, which is a testament to Lemire’s writing. However, I can’t help but wonder if this issue would be this packed with information had there been no reboot on the horizon. I’ve grown quite fond of Simon and not only am I hoping he survives Psionic Lad’s mission, but that he survives the reboot as well. Overall this was a good issue story-wise, unfortunately the art is still just mediocre at best. 3.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I love that cover to Batman & Robin #25! I didn’t like the fact that the artist was switched in the middle of the story and I only barely liked one of the styles used.

  2. Nick

    Batman and Robin didn’t have a good pay off to that story. I was expecting more.

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