Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05/06/15

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05/06/15

convergence 5 Convergence #5
Writer: Jeff King
Artists: Andy Kubert, Sandra Hope, and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists: Andy Kubert, Sandra Hope, and Brad Anderson
Publisher: DC

As the series presses on past the halfway mark, Convergence continues to struggle along with the same problems that have plagued the series from the beginning. With every issue, the threat level increases, the villains seem to multiply, and the heroes have begun dying, but none of it really seems to matter. For whatever reason, DC chose to spotlight Earth-2 in the main series of this event and because of that, all of this tension and even the deaths have no real significance. These are characters that have existed in my realm of thought for mere pages. And not only that, but instead of branching out and incorporated any number of characters from the dozens of worlds joining in on the event, DC has continued to keep the main series focused on this group of heroes, even though the idea behind the event was a war between worlds. 2.5/5


convergence nightwing oracle 2Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #2
Writer: Gail Simone
Artists: Jan Duursema, Dan Parsons, and Wes Dzioba
Cover Artists: Jill Thompson, Sandu Florea, and Hi-FI
Publisher: DC

Quite possibly the only good thing to come of Convergence is that Dick and Barbara finally got married. Which isn’t much, considering the two are practically strangers in the current DC Universe, but for my 8-year-old self (and my current self, mind you) it’s everything. This actually seemed to be a recurring theme in this week’s batch of tie-ins. Not specifically the reunification of former lovers, but rather a sense of closure to all sorts of relationships. Barbara and Dick have long been two of my favorite characters and them getting married would have been amazing and in some way it makes these Convergence tie-ins worthwhile, because it allows the writers to revisit a time and tie up any loose ends that never got the ending they deserved because the world suddenly changed. 4.5/5


convergence speed force 2Convergence: Speed Force #2
Writer: Tony Bedard
Artists: Tom Grummett, Sean Parsons, and Rain Beredo
Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Publisher: DC
It’s a shame this book will likely have any lasting effects, because it did a great job of showing us just how great a character Wally West was. He was smart, kind, a great father and husband, and he was an all around wonderful superhero. While the first issue was a little slow, this issue was terrific. Wally’s battle with the Flashpoint Wonder Woman was excellent and truly highlighted that which made him a great Flash. 4/5

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Arnab Pradhan

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