Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05/25/16

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05/25/16

dc rebirth 1DC Universe Rebirth #1
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artists: Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis, Phil Jimenez, Joe Prado, Matt Santorelli, Brad Anderson, Jason Wright, Hi-Fi, and Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Artist: Mikel Janin
Publisher: DC

Ten years is a long time. In real time, that’s probably even closer to 30 years. That’s a whole lot of history to go missing, to be altered, to be ruined. Which is exactly what people complained about when the New52 was born, and it’s nice to see that DC has is doing something about it. When time and space has been tampered with, you can bet there’s a Flash nearby, and boy are we lucky it’s Wally. For a period of time he was the fastest Flash of all time, and then for a period of time, he was nothing. Geoff Johns did a great job of telling this story through Wally’s perspective, having him visit his friends, his family, his wife Linda, all the while explaining what has been happening to the universe. An unknown villain lurks in the shadows tampering with time, erasing heroes, turning lovers into strangers, and generally wreaking havoc. While this may just be the start of Rebirth, it is a fantastic start. 4.5/5

grayson 20Grayson #20
Writer: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artists: Roge Antonio and Jeromy Cox
Cover Artist: Mikel Janin
Publisher: DC

When Dick Grayson “died” at the end of Forever Evil, it was obviously just a marketing ploy to make that even seem relevant. However what came out of that ridiculous decision, was a fantastic series that has been absolutely fantastic even through it’s late change in the creative team. Dick Grayson, always leaping into the unknown. That pretty much sums up his life, this series, and definitely this issue. Letting Otto Netz into his head is easily the most reckless thing he could have down, but also the most Dick Grayson thing he could have done. Which is actually another great example of how true to the character this entire series has been. this issue is obviously a love story to Grayson, from start to finish this issue sings his praises, but that could be said of the ten tire series as well. This series is everything anyone could have asked for, and then some. His spy days may be over, but the job is never finished. 4.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    As much as I liked Rebirth it’s not really a new reader friendly title so a lot of what makes it a better read is because it caters to those who know more about DC comics lore.

    1. Kristin

      … I thought the point of Rebirth was to reboot (again) and grab new readers.

      1. InfiniteSpeech

        I had hoped more than anything that was the case. If I wasn’t aware of the small bit of DC Comics history I’ve picked up over the years this would have been quite the confusing issue. They always rely too much on their history when the reboot/relaunch issue comes out and new fans miss out on the nuances of the story which unfortunately play heavy in the main narrative.

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