Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/24/13

Batman inc 10Batman Incorporated #10
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artists: Chris Burnham, Jason Masters, Andrei Bressan, and Nathan Fairbairn
Cover Artists: Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn
Publisher: DC

We are now three issues away from the end; the end of Batman Incorporated as well as the end of Grant Morrison’s long and exciting run. Quite a bit takes place in this issue, but at no time does it feel rushed or cramped with information. Morrison has done a tremendous job pacing out his story over the last seven years and continues to do a great job here. This issue does a great job of spotlighting Talia al Ghul and the remarkable amount of work she’s put into this as well as the tremendous power she holds. However, it also does a great job planting the seed that there might be certain things she’s overlooked. The panel with Talia and her father talking was illustrated brilliantly by Chris Burnham. The series is setting up for a blazing showdown between Batman Incorporated and Leviathan, and if this series has proved anything, it’s that no one’s safety is guaranteed. 4/5

the flash 19The Flash #19
Writers: Brian Buccellato with Francis Manapul
Marcio Takara and Brian Buccellato with Francis Manapul
Cover Artists: 
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato

The thing about The Flash is that it is remarkably consistent in its excellence. Barry Allen is stuck on a prison island with no powers, and he still kicks major butt with the help from some borrowed villain gadgets. This two-issue arc plays out as a nice breather between major Flash Rogues, with the Reverse Flash quietly lurking nearby in the shadows. Brian Buccellato does some great things with this arc, from putting Barry in an awkward position without powers, to setting up two different story lines, as well as incorporating Barry’s role in the Justice League. Marcio Takara’s art is absolutely wonderful. He has a great unique style that ended up being a nice counterpart to Buccellato’s story. It’s been a good couple of months for DC, with many arch-nemeses making an appearance, so it will be great to see how Buccellato and Manapul tackle the upcoming arc with the Reverse Flash. 4.5/5

teen titans 19Teen Titans #19
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Alex Sinclair
Cover Artists: 
Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Alex Sinclair

Something has gone terribly wrong with this book. It hasn’t quite reached Catwoman’s level of nonsense, but the last couple issues of this series are borderline unreadable. The story is wildly unfocused and altogether a confusing mess. A couple issues ago Red Robin was in a bunch of places at once, and there doesn’t seem to be any sort of resolution to that plot twist in sight. Not to mention, Red Robin has suddenly, without warning, become a complete and utter ass. On to the good, the art looks great here. Eddy Barrows, who did a fantastic job on Nightwing, does a great job with this book. And other than the odd way he draws Tim to look like vintage Jason Todd, this book looks fantastic. Trigon, the Teen Titan’s long time enemy, makes his first appearance in the DCnU, which is fairly exciting. Hopefully the next issue will clarify some of the ridiculousness that has befallen this series of late. 3/5

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Arnab Pradhan

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