Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/17/13

Catwoman #19
Writer: Ann Nocenti
Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Sonia Oback
Cover Artists:
Rafa Sandoval and Sonia Oback
Publisher: DC

For months now this series has been on a downward spiral with no end in sight, and while this issue isn’t brilliant, it is better. The biggest problem for this issue happens right at the beginning, with the inclusion of the JLA into this series. Somewhere outside of this book Catwoman joined the Justice League of America, and it would have been great if there was even a small panel or a page setting that up in one of the earlier issues. That aside, the issue was actually well done. Catwoman is essentially used as bait in this issue, but it works perfectly for her character and the direction of the story. This is by far Nocenti’s strongest issue to date, which isn’t saying much, but hopefully it’s a sign of things to come. Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Sonia Oback continue to deliver a gorgeous book, which is without a doubt the best part of the last couple of issues. 3.5/5

Nightwing #19
Writers: Kyle Higgins
Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Cover Artists:
Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse

After months of chaos finally exploding at the hands of Joker and Talia, Dick Grayson has left Gotham for an opportunity to get some closure. For years, Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents, has been presumed dead. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Bruce may be all broody and depressed in all of his books, but his losses don’t come near to everything that Dick has suffered these past few months. He’s lost his circus and his money, he’s lost his trust in his mentor/father, and he’s lost his partner/brother. A new beginning in a new city is potentially a great thing for him right now. Potentially, because family and friends have always been important to Dick, and distancing himself from them might just be even more detrimental. Either way, Kyle Higgins is writing an excellent story here and this issue works well as a jumping on point for any new readers. 4/5

Red Hood and the Outlaws #19
Writer: James Tynion IV
Julius Gopez and Nei Ruffino
Cover Artists:
Javier Mena Guerrero and Al Barrionuevo
Publisher: DC

Taking over as writer in the middle of a story is no easy feat, however, James Tynion IV has no problems easing into his role as writer. Still reeling over his encounter with Joker, Jason goes on a solo mission to alleviate himself of the darkness that has rooted itself in his life. Meanwhile, Roy and Kori are left in the dark, with nothing but an inkling to where Jason has gone. The All-Caste has been a nice addition to Jason’s history, however, they are beginning to feel a bit overused. That being said, Tynion uses them to take this series into a new interesting direction. It also should be mentioned that more and more as this series progresses, the focus continues to center almost completely on Jason Todd; it would be great if all that attention was spread out between the other two cast members, as well. 4/5

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Arnab Pradhan


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