Crisis of Infinite Reviews 03/18/15

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 03/18/15

batgirl engame 1 Batgirl Endgame #1
Writer: Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher
: Bengal
Cover Artists: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: DC Comics

Comic books are a unique story telling medium. With little to no narration and mostly all dialogue, comics rely heavily on illustrations to convey the entirety of the story. Pictures tell you the story that sometimes words cannot. Joining the ranks of a number of other comic books, the creative team for Batgirl has done a fantastic job of creating a comic book with next to no text or dialogue. The idea is simple enough, a group of VIP’s need assistance leaving town because Gotham is still under attack by Joker. The end result is far from simple, however, with the art beautifully telling the story of how Batgirl saves the day as well as the life of a young girl. 4/5

rhato 40Red Hood and the Outlaws #40
Writer: Scott Lobdell
: Tom Derenick, Sean Parsons, Richard Horie, and Tanya Horie
Cover Artists: R.B. Silva
Publisher: DC Comics

After a long journey, another one of DC’s books comes to an end. Starting off tremendously strong, this series was easily one of DC’s breakout hits from the new52. While the series has suffered through some unfortunate arcs, it has been able to maintain a focus on the growing friendship amongst the three leads. There has been an array of villains on this book, a plethora of venues, as well as a huge supporting cast, however the true success of this book lies solely on the evolution of this “team” into a group of friends. Red Hood has been heavily featured in Batman Eternal, but it will be great to see Roy and Kori in another book soon. 4/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Aaron

    The current Batgirl run is amazing! Also, I love her design and costume. It’s practical and utilitarian. It’s not some fantasy-esque skin-tight then that shows every curve of her body. And thankfully the artist opted not to give her inappropriately sexy lady lumps considering the age of the character.

    Seriously, the story is good. The art rocks. The minimalist approach to this sort of set-up seen in Endgame is innovative enough to merit a purchase. But the look/design for the character is the BEST part for me. Other comic book artists should take notes.

    1. InfiniteSpeech

      I’ve only read one issue of the new Batgirl run and it was pretty good but since I’m a sucker for a silent issues like the one here I had to get it. I’ve been hearing both good and bad things about the recent change but I might give it a shot down the line.

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