Crisis of Infinite Reviews 12/16/15

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 12/16/15

Batman and Robin Eternal #11batman and robin eternal 11
 Ed Brisson, James Tynion IV, and Scott Snyder
Artists: Fernando Blanco, Christian Duce, and John Rauch
Cover Artists: Carlo Pagulayan
Publisher: DC

In order to truly understand their enemy, Harper and Dick meet up with a psychic who has served under Mother for years. As this series continues, Harper continues to become a more and more relevant character in the Bat-Universe. With the return of Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, and the addition of all the new Robins, the Bat-Universe is getting pretty full, so it’s great that this series is reestablishing her purpose and importance to the team. This issue does a solid job of explaining how Cassandra was raised and why she is the way that she is. That being said, the most interesting part of the issue comes at the very end, or rather almost comes at the end. Instead of the readers getting an answer to whether or not Batman received a “child” from Mother, the issue ends on a rather obnoxious cliffhanger, especially given the potential for this going very wrong for Dick. This series has been decently good till now, however, the story feels like it needs to pick up the pace. We’re nearly halfway to the end, but it doesn’t seem like much has happened. 3.5/5

we are robin 7We are Robin #7
Writer: Lee Bermejo
Artists: Carmine Di Giandomenico and Mat Lopes
Cover Artists: Jorge Corona
Publisher: DC

In order to truly appreciate the absurdity of Gordon being Batman, it’s important to point out that somehow Gordon managed to scale a skyscraper without issue, and yet Dick, who is renowned for his athletic ability, somehow manages to slip and needs Gordon to save him. It isn’t particularly a major issue, however at the same time, it highlights just how ridiculous the idea of Gordon as Batman is, especially while out of his robot suit. While Gordon and Dick spend the next couple of pages figuring out it is the Court of Owls who are pulling the strings, the other Robins are already having to deal with them. The rest of the issues plays out like a jail break, as Red Robin and Red Hood, who have been ordered to fight to the death, maneuver themselves into position to save the rest of the Robins instead. This event has been pretty awesome from the very first issue. The story has been strong, the art has been gorgeous to look at, and this issue was no different. With only two issues left in the event, all of the Robins have a lot of work to do in order to shut down the Court of Owls again. 4/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Aside from the Cassandra Cain backstory this was a pretty “meh” issue of Batman & Robin Eternal. I want something to happen that gets me to the point I was when this series first began because right now it’s falling off.

    Dare I say this was the BEST issue of We Are Robin in a while! Damian is still a damn good Robin and the Jason/Tim sequences were fantastic! I actually like Tim a bit more now since reading this series so that’s a plus lol

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