Crisis of Infinite Reviews 11/26/14

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 11/26/14

Aaquaman36quaman #36
Writer: Jeff Parker
Artists: Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rain Beredo
Cover Artists: Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and  Rain Beredo
Publisher: DC

Decades after her presumed death, Aquaman discovers that his mother’s tomb is empty, and so he enlists the help of a friend. Martian Manhunter assists Aquaman in finding out the truth about his mother, and unfortunately later gets possessed for a short period. Considering this series mostly takes place in the ocean, it has had a great guest cast, which is one of the best aspects of this series since the beginning. This issue did get a tad weird, when it came to the rocks having/sustaining memories, but other than that it’s nice that Jeff Parker is slowly having everything tie back together. 4/5




batman eternal 34Batman Eternal #36
Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins, and Tim Seeley
Artists: Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists: Alex Garner
Publisher: DC

Tommy Elliot, much like Bruce, plans ahead and takes all contingencies into consideration; and unfortunately for Bruce, Tommy has been able to stay two steps ahead of him. After overpowering Julia, Tommy laid yet another trap for Bruce, while simultaneously attacking on another front, and ultimately came out victorious. Their part of this story is playing out like a game of chess, with Tommy taking the lead for now. It’s been a while since Batman Eternal has focused on any of the other plot threads, and it seems like Gordon’s story is about to take the stage. Batman Eternal is holding up surprisingly well for a weekly series. Changing the focus of the story every couple of weeks, instead of multiple times in an issue, is really helping sustain an interesting story. What will be real interesting to see, is how it all ties together in the end. 4/5



flash 36The Flash #36
Writer: Robert Venditti and Van Jensen
Artists: André Coelho, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Publisher: DC Comics

It’s the tale of two Flashes as the consequences of Future Flash’s time traveling continue. Present day Flash has found himself trapped inside the Speed Force, while the Future Flash has been granted the gift of youth and is now living his life. Robert Vendetti and Van Jensen continue doing a great job of making the Flash story fun and entertaining. André Coelho, who passed away this past October, did a tremendous job alongside Brett Booth on art duties. The two of their art styles meshed well together, alternating between the real world and the Speed Force. This series continues to be consistently well written and illustrated. The only peculiar aspect of the series is that it continues to be almost completely cut off from the rest of the DC Universe. 4/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I’m actually liking The Flash better because it’s being allowed to just stand on it’s own. At least for now so I’m going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

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