Crisis of Infinite Reviews 10/30/13

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 10/30/13

damian 1Damian: Son of Batman #1
Writer: Andy Kubert
Artists: Andy Kubert and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists: Tony Daniel and Tomeu Morey
Publisher: DC

Pretend for a moment you’re on a completely different Earth, where the events of Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin and Batman Incorporated never took place, and then this issue will likely be much more entertaining. While this issue wasn’t bad, it also wasn’t great. Damian feels much too abrasive and angry to feel like this is an older version of the boy who just recently died. Instead, it almost feels like an older version of Damian, when he was first introduced. The cliffhanger ending, revealing that it wasn’t a Bruce Wayne Batman that died, was a strong enough hook to make the second issue appealing. Andy Kubert’s dialogue throughout the issue was hit or miss. In some instances the issue felt very stiff and forced, but others, particularly the interaction with Batman and Robin, felt very reminiscent of Dick and Damian’s tenure as the Dynamic Duo. While not a perfect issue, this book lays the foundation of what could be a nice mini-series. 4/5

nightwing annual 1Nightwing Annual #1
Writer: Charles Soule
Artists: Jason Masters, Daniel Sampere, Vicente Cifuentes, and Chris Sotomayer
Cover Artists: Tony Daniel and Tomeu Morey
Publisher: DC

Nightwing and Batgirl are two characters that have great chemistry, regardless of who is writing them. That being said, Kyle Higgins does a fantastic job with them in this annual. The story was your average superhero story, a deranged love struck man tries to force his love onto a woman who doesn’t want it, and on the way picks up a fire shooting outfit and kills a bunch of people. While it was a nice introduction for Firefly, the Nightwing/Batgirl relationship was of more long term importance. These are two characters that most people would love to see back together again, and yet time after time they are driven apart. Higgins does a great job of addressing these factors in this story, ultimately leaving them two friends and nothing more, which is awesome because I personally like her current boyfriend Ricky. 4/5

swampy annual 2Swamp Thing Annual #2
Writer: Charles Soule
Artists: Javier Pina, Kano, and Matthew Wilson
Cover Artists: Travel Foreman and Matthew Wilson
Publisher: DC

If you’ve been on the fence on reading this series, this issue is a great jumping on point for you. The future of the Green and its champion will soon be determined when Swamp Thing and The Seeder battle for that honor. This issue does a great job of setting up the impending fight. Charles Soule does a great job with this issue, using the two past avatars to teach Swamp Thing new ways of looking at his powers. What Soule also did in this issue, though not as apparent, was portray an impending civil war within the Green. Much like what is going on in Animal Man, the past avatars of the Green are in conflict with one another, and that conflict is spreading out into the world. Soule’s run thus far has been fantastic, and this issue’s segue into the next arc forecasts a great story. 4.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

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