Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/30/13


Aquaman Annual #1 (DC)
Martin: I’ve no idea who The Others are so this did exactly what it needed by introducing them in an independent story.

bushido 5 Bushido #5 (Top Cow)
Martin: This brings the 5-issue mini series to a nice close, and I was actually pretty impressed with the ending.

Damian, Son of Batman #1 (DC)
Arnab: The key is to disregard the last five years of Damian’s history. Once you do that, this is actually a decent story.
Infinite Speech: I don’t care when this story takes place because it’s fun and looks great!
Martin: People need to stop comparing this to Morrison’s stories & judge it as its own thing. I enjoyed it.

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #1 (DC)
Martin: Interesting story, not helped by 3 pencillers & inkers. The Steve Trevor flashbacks are intriguing.

Guardians of the Galaxy #8 (Marvel)
Arnab: This series is great. Iron Man is not. Thus, he should continue not being in this book.
I enjoyed this issue much more because Iron Man wasn’t in it.

infinity 5Infinity #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: I hate the Avengers, shit never sticks to those guys. And yet, this is a good event.
Infinite Speech: This has been THE best Marvel event in a long time!
Jeff: So…if the Builders were so unstoppable before…why are the Avengers getting the upper hand now all of a sudden?

Nightwing Annual #1 (DC)
Arnab: Dick and Barbara are totally my OTP. Although, I do like Ricky. Decisions, decisions.
Infinite Speech: I don’t care if Babs and Dick end up together. Sorry.
Martin: Some really great scenes between Dick and Barbara, including a touching flashback on the last page.

Saga #15 (Image)
Arnab: Hot Damn, Marko is one sexy beast. I mean, you go Fiona Staples!
Dr. Bustos: Things were going so well!
Infinite Speech: That’s one hell of a way to win a board game!
Jeff: Oh no! The Will!
Jeff Lake: Amazing, as usual. If you still need a reason to pick up this book, there’s no hope for you.

Sandman: Overture #1 (Vertigo)
Jeff Lake: Epic, intriguing and extremely well done, even if I have nary a clue as to what’s happening.
Martin: My initial reaction is to want to go re-read the entire series. My 2nd reaction is: Damn this is good.

Superior Spider-Man #20 (Marvel)

Dr. Bustos: Oh no, Otto may relapse.
Infinite Speech: You just know you’re going to have bad luck after punching Black Cat in the face. REALLY bad luck!
Jeff: A nice twist with Otto-as-Peter getting blamed for plagiarism of his own ideas.

Superior Spider-Man Team Up Special #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: Didn’t quite stick the landing on this story.

tmnt 27Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #27 (IDW)
Arnab: This is by far one of the best books being published right now, by any publisher.
Infinite Speech: $#!# just got real and we also get some of the BEST cameos in comics in this issue!
Jeff Lake: Someone get this series over to Michael Bay, stat! THIS is what Turtle fans have been waiting for. Santolouco = perfection.

Witchblade #170 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: No sooner does Ron Marz return, Sara’s in worse trouble than before and Laura Braga makes it all look soooo damn good!

X-Men Battle of the Atom #2 (Marvel)
Arnab: Did Wolverine really really say that Xavier was more important than the thousands of people he killed? It’s like Xavier taught him nothing… oh wait. I can’t stand Jason Aaron.
Infinite Speech: Yeah, so…anyone read Inferno?!
Jeff: Did I miss the part where Kitty lost her mind? This was a pathetic crossover.

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