Contest of Champions Live Episode #21: Professor X vs. Venom

Welcome to Season 2 of the internet’s only superhero fight podcast, Contest of Champions Live! Each week, your hosts, the Clobberin’ Comic Book Clergyman and the Canadian Capekiller referee between a group of competitors, each with a team of Marvel superheroes to battle it out and decide once and for all who can beat up who.

CoC Live Episode #21
You can click the link to listen to the podcast or right click “save link as” to download it.

This week, we’re joined by Tom McNeely and Daniel Fabrizio as they kick off the first fight of Season 2, as Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, takes on the symbiote-sporting Flash Thompson, also known as Agent Venom, at the SWORD Headquarters known as the Peak! We also debut our Power Rankings segment, as the guys rank the Thing, Warpath, Hulkling, Luke Cage, and Sebastian Shaw!

Go to the Forums to VOTE on who you think would win between Professor X and Venom, to discuss this episode, to learn more about the game, to see stats, and to follow the schedule of the game.

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Jeff Jackson

This Post Has One Comment

  1. ShenValleyInitiative

    good fight fellas, a lot of things brought up from both sides that I hadn’t considered….off to think on this

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