ABC Australia and Sundance Brings New Aboriginal Superhero in ‘Cleverman’!

ABC Australia and Sundance Brings New Aboriginal Superhero in ‘Cleverman’!

This summer ABC Australia and Sundance TV brings the story of an Aboriginal superhero in Cleverman! So from the looks of this trailer we are in for something great here!

Set in a dystopian future, Cleverman draws from the mythology of Australia’s Aboriginal people and focuses on Koen, played by Hunter Page-Lochard. Currently his uncle is the ‘Cleverman’ though it seems as if the abilities and responsibility will be passed down to Koen. This weight will now be his to bear as he attempts to navigate the obstacles of his newfound abilities, title, and belonging to a people who are currently being persecuted. A theme that strongly reflects the current treatment of the Indigenous people in Australia.

As far as diversity goes and the breaking down of stereotypes Cleverman is doing something big and important here with an eighty percent Indigenous cast.

“I wanted to bring something Aboriginal, Indigenous, to that world.”, said Concept Developer, Ryan Griffen .“As the son of a light-skinned Aboriginal man and a light-skinned Aboriginal woman, it was important for me that my son had a cultural superhero that he could look up to as a young Aboriginal person. Something he could connect to that was also entertaining.” 

In an interview earlier this year with Fairfax, Page-Lochard says, “It’s not the state usually painted for our culture.” “The number of times I’ve played the poor, troubled black kid who drinks! It was beautiful not to see the stereotypes in this and to see a platform for our Indigenous actors.”

“At its heart, Cleverman is a thrilling and sophisticated drama filled with conflict, unrest and smart storytelling. “, said Joel Stillerman, president of original programming and development for AMC and SundanceTV. “The show presents an allegorical view of some of the timeliest and urgent discussions going on our world right now — our collective treatment of minority groups and what common values we share that make us a society.”

Everything about the trailer pretty much demands you give Cleverman the chance it deserves. Especially if you’re here for a more diverse casting in front and behind the camera!

Check out Cleverman episode reviews here!


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kaos Blac

    I think the concept is great but the execution is flawed in that the persecuted people, who are stand in for aboriginal people, are called subhumans and look like neanderthals.

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