Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/25/13


A+X #12 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I really dug that this was about old friends reuniting and a trying to show someone how great they are.

Artifacts #31 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: This series continues to dominate as it takes you further with the new direction for the Top Cow Universe!

Aquaman #23.2 (DC)
Martin: Some interesting character development here for Ocean Master but falls a bit flat at the end.

avengers 20Avengers #20 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Takes me back to when events weren’t scattered between 20 books to keep up with!

Batman #23.4 (DC)
Martin: Just okay – some stuff to lead into the Forever Evil Arkham War but other than that – nothing spectacular.

Batman & Robin #23.4 (DC)
Martin: Manages to make Killer Croc more relatable & not just a mindless brute, plus ties into overall Forever Evil

Batman/Superman #3.1 (DC)
Arnab: Good story, though not really about Doomsday.
Martin: Not sure why this was in Bats/Supes & it’s really more about Zod instead of Doomsday. But it’s well told.

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4 (DC)
Arnab: Not worth a ten cent comic bag and board.
Martin: People who blew $15 buying this off Ebay are going to be disappointed. This character’s a mess.

Clive Barker’s Next Testament #4 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Nothing happened and that makes me sad since I actually liked the last issue.

east west 6East of West #6 (Image)
Arnab: Hot damn. The best new series of the year just gets better and better.
Martin: Art and story continue to prove why this is one of my fave comics. More background on The Chosen. Great stuff.

Fanboys vs Zombies #18 (BOOM!)
Arnab: Filler story about a jackass. Gotta say though, I enjoyed his death.
Infinite Speech: This is one of those filler stories that work better if you’ve been invested in the series since the beginning.

Fatale #17 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: Yikes, that got dark, even for Fatale.

FF #12 (Marvel)
It’s bad when you pick up an issue and feel like you missed the issue before because you have no idea what the hell is going on. Right?

Gambit #17 (Marvel)
Arnab: Farewell Gambit.
I can’t believe it lasted 17 issues.

Guardians of the Galaxy #6 (Marvel)
Arnab: I don’t know who this Angela is, but other than that, this book is quite good.
Angela is badass. But why not get Coipel to just draw the whole issue?

Infinity: Heist #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A very solid villains story that is WAYYY better than that other Infinity tie in.

Itty Bitty Hellboy #2 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: I didn’t like it too much but the little kid I gave it to found it hilarious! That’s what counts!

Jupiters Legacy #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Family really sucks sometimes!
Jeff: Just jumped onto this book and holy crap, why wasn’t I reading this before?
Martin: A fascinating look at the children of super heroes. After only 3 issues I really care about these characters

Nova #8 (Marvel)
Jeff: A chick who hangs out in the wombs of alien creatures? That’s pretty hardcore.

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol 2 #3 (Archaia)
Infinite Speech: This is one of the best anthology series on the shelves that should be read by EVERYONE!

Rat Queens #1 (Image)
Infinite Speech: We don’t deserve the amount of greatness Wiebe and Upchurch brought with this issue!
Jeff Lake: What a debut! Fantasy has never been more fun, or vulgar!
Martin: So glad I picked this up to try it. Hilarious characters, appropriate art, & absolutely spot-on gaming humor.

Saga #14 (Image)
Arnab: This is what comics are all about. When an amazing story is coupled with gorgeous art, that’s when the magic happens.
Dr. Bustos: This had a page that made me cry.
Infinite Speech: From the story to art Saga’s strength is it’s predictable unpredictability!
Jeff: The way BKV foretells future stories like Clara and Heist hitting it off is pretty fantastic.

sex criminals 1Sex Criminals #1 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: All first issues should be this strong.
Infinite Speech: Now THIS is a superpower! Fraction & Zdarsky make this VERY fun!
Jeff Lake: Awkward, original and damn entertaining. Fraction at his best.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #26 (IDW)
Arnab: Man, oh Man! This series just gets better and better with every issue.
Infinite Speech: This creative team has made City Fall the definitive TMNT story that you should be reading!
Jeff Lake: The turf war heats up, Splinter gets his hands dirty, and City Fall continues to kick shell.

Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth #5 (Image)
Infinite Speech: There was too much about this issue that had me laughing my butt off! Hope Marvel can take a joke!

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #27 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: This Taskmaster is way more dangers and I love team-ups.
Infinite Speech: This series continues to be great while Marquez keeps making it look fantastic!
Jeff: I refuse to believe Taskmaster would go down like that. The 616 version certainly would not have.

Uncanny Avengers #12 (Marvel)
Jeff: Once again, Remender is telling a much better epic universe-spanning tale while Infinity is going on elsewhere.

The Wake #4 (DC/Vertigo)
Arnab: The whole past, present, future aspect to this story is fantastic. Excellent issue.
Jeff: I love how Snyder keeps whittling down the environment and the characters. This book is great!
Jeff Lake: This series is bananas. Murphy’s atmospheric pencils create real suspense.

Wolverine & the X-Men #36 (Marvel)
Arnab: That psychic battle was wonky. Also, no way Jean beats a fully powered Emma.
Dr. Bustos: Time travel can make a story messy, somehow, a crossover can make it messier.
Infinite Speech: Looks like someone’s been duped and Bobby leaves Broo to babysit! Yeah, this issue was a step in the right direction!
Jeff: This story needs more action and less debating.

Young Avengers #10 (Marvel)
Arnab: Can we go back to the good old days where Teddy and Billy were together and everything was good in the world?
Dr. Bustos: Things are going from bad to worse for Teddy.

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