Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/10/14

amazing spiderman 6The Amazing Spider-Man #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Silk and Spider-Man make a great team but Anna Maria steals it once again!
Jeff: JJJ was standing in front of the camera? That was a weak way to get out of revealing Spidey’s identity.
NickZ: Anna Maria Marconi is the best character in this book, hands down.

Archer & Armstrong #24 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: No Archer. No Armstrong. No Problem. All Maria!
Jeff: Talk about a well-crafted origin story for Mary-Maria. This issue hit all the right notes and neither Archer nor Armstrong was even in it!

Avengers Undercover #10 (Marvel)
Jeff: This one went out with a whimper.
NickZ: Although the ending felt rushed, this series, along with Avengers Arena, were fantastic!

Batgirl Futures End #1 (DC)
Arnab: So basically 5 years into the future the world is kinda shitty?
4/5 stars. One last look a “dark Batgirl” before the new team starts next issue. And this does get pretty dark!

Batman Eternal #23 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. They should’ve called this one “Catwoman Eternal.” I was hoping for a bit more after the tease in Batman #28.
NickZ: They are finally laying the groundwork for Catwoman’s eventual rise to power in the underworld of Gotham.

Batman Futures End #1 (DC)
Arnab: This book feels like it should be set 20 years into the future, not just 5.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Interesting take on Bruce’s obsession continuing 5 years in the future after his body’s battered & bruised
NickZ: So apparently the Batman/Luthor feud will never end. They do make better adversaries for each other, anyway.

Birds of Prey Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Odd that this only focused on one main “Bird” but it’s not horrible. A decent 1-shot story.

Constantine Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. A fun, clever look at Constantine doing what he does best – tricking people & being a punk.

Copperhead #1 (Image)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Some fantastic art, interesting characters, and a fun sci-fi Western story. I’m hooked for issue #2.
NickZ: Great start to this new series, definitely feel a little bit of Saga in this

Deadpool #34 (Marvel)
NickZ: No book does better flashback “forgotten” tales like the gang at Deadpool and this is no exception. I literally felt like I was reading a book from my youth.

Death of Wolverine #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: If I forget the last 8 months of X-Men continuity I like this issue even more!
Jeff: I thought Deathstrike was in the body of a Mexican woman now?
NickZ: So basically they are just gonna parade all of Wolverine’s old allies and enemies out before he dies. How did Sabretooth go from being leader of the Hand to Viper’s pet?

Death Vigil #3 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: This is my new favorite title right here! It’s pretty funny for a book with a dark edge.

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2 (Titan)
Jeff: Ewing doesn’t quite have the 11th Doctor’s voice down yet.

Edge of Spider-Verse: Spider-Man Noir #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Great intro for anyone not familiar with noir Spidey as the event starts.
Jeff: I never read Spider-Man Noir, but I might have to go back if it was anything like this. Fantastic!
NickZ: Spider-Man Noir was pretty cool. Probably the least looking Spider-Man, costume-wise, of all the alternates.

Green Lantern Corps Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Another Futures End book showing how the future really sucks. New hints at GL lore dropped.

Hawkeye #20 (Marvel)
NickZ: Kate Bishop is so rad, I’m so sad this series is coming to an end.

Infinity Man and the Forever People Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Mainly a character study of 2 (or should I say 1?) character, but well done.

Inhuman #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Stegman is perfect and the story is damn good too!
Jeff: I’m just not sure what the point of this book is yet.
NickZ: Medusa makes her fist misstep since this book started and it’s a big one. Looks like the NuHuman’s will have to save the day.

Invincible #114 (Image)
NickZ: That awful moment when you have no choice but to let the villain win…for now.

Justice League United Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Nice to see JLU focusing on Equinox for once – she’s really come into her own in 5 years!

Magneto #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Things are going to get really bad for Magneto in Axis.
Jeff: Anyone else think that the S-Men are lamer than lame?
NickZ: Magneto makes his first misstep since this book started and it’s a big one. I am so done with the Red Skull, someone needs to kick his ass already!

mph 3MPH #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: There’s always that one idiot in the group that screws things up. Baseball is that idiot here.
Jeff: This book could just be about doing cool things with super-speed, and I would love it.

New 52 Futures End #19 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. More background revealed to help give the rest of this event some context, but still too many characters.

Ms. Marvel #8 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: For a second I thought the teacher was going to fight the giant robot! Another crazy, fun issue from Wilson! EMBIGGEN!
Jeff: So, doesn’t anyone notice that Lockjaw has an antenna and is as big as a hippo?

New Suicide Squad Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Not horrible but kind of just more of the same from this “team.” I still miss fat Amanda Waller.

Nightcrawler #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: The blue elf and a new student take on some weird pirates. Did no one tell Nightcrawler that the point of Schism was NOT to take children into battle?

Powers Bureau #11 (Icon)
Infinite Speech: This series is what they mean by “Too much of a good thing”!

Prometheus: Fire & Stone #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Tobin and Ferreyra are a great creative team and I like where this is going. Too bad the crew won’t.

Rot & Ruin #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: That last page man…that last effin’ page. Damn.

Sally of the Wasteland #2 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: I now know what a “Bamazon” is and my life is better for it! Get if for the laughs. Stay for the action and crawgators!

Smallville Chaos #2 (DC)
NickZ: Lois and Clark are trapped in the multiverse while Luthor stirs up a muck on regular Earth. This book literally has everything.

Superboy Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. Just a complete mess & very inaccessible to people who don’t read the main title. Art is decent though

Superman Unchained #8 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. The art’s great but there’s a twist at the end that seems will take more than 1 issue to resolve.
NickZ: Superman uses his brain to finally get a win only to find out that he’s in deeper water than he thought.

Velvet #7 (Image)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Brubaker, Epting and the team continue to amaze, using other spies as a the voice to figure out what Velvet is up to

walking dead 131The Walking Dead #131 (Image)
Arnab: Seriously though, where is Michonne?
Jeff: Carl gets a job. Yep. that’s pretty much all that happened. BORING!
NickZ: WTF happened with Michonne?

Wild’s End #1 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: It’s much more than War of the Worlds meets talking animals! Read it!

Worlds’ Finest Futures End #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Decent background that ties into the weekly series, but a very implausible fight w/ Deathstroke.

X-Force #9 (Marvel)
NickZ: I don’t know what the hell is going on in this book other than the fact that I wish Megan would have kicked Psylocke’s ass.

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