Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/12/15

A-Force #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: The ladies take on some Thors and Medusa proves her worth.

The Amazing Spider-Man #20.1 (Marvel)
NickZ: The Spiral storyline was pretty good. Felt like an old school Spidey story from like the 90’s, before everything got so complicated.

Batman #43 (DC)
Arnab: Am I the only one hating GordonBatman? This is not good stuff.
NickZ: I know Bruce will be Batman again somehow, but for all intents and purposes, Snyder killed Batman in this issue and that’s not cool.

Batman Superman #23 (DC)
Arnab: Superman seems weirdly naive in this, while Gordon is just an idiot.
NickZ: This was much better than the last issue but Superman is an egotistical fool.

Black Panther by Christopher Priest TPB (Marvel)descender 6
Infinite Speech: Priest wrote some definitive Panther stories and it’s great Marvel is putting them out again! PICK THIS UP!!

Catwoman #43 (DC)
NickZ: I love that Catwoman is on the run from the new Batman, while searching for the old Batman, and runs into none other than Bruce Wayne.

DC Comics Bombshells #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Marguerite Bennett wrote one great story here and now I’m on board and advise you to get on as well!

Descender #6 (Image)
Arnab: This is some top notch sci-fi. If you like robots, dismemberment, kids, or space, this book is for you.
NickZ: The first arc of Descender comes to a close with a mysterious cliff hanger. Pick up this book in trade before the next arc if you like emotional, sci-fi stories.

Death Sentence London #3 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: Just as intense and fantastic as the first series so you should be reading this!

Gotham Academy #9 (DC)
NickZ: This book definitely has “Monster Squad” vibes and I am 100% into it!

Harrow County #4 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Bunn and Crook wrap this up in stellar fashion with a great final page!

Hip-Hop Family Tree Vol 3 (Fantagraphics)
Infinite Speech: Ed Piskor is definitely All City with this series that has been a fantastic recounting of some of the greatest pioneers of Hip-Hop!

Howard the Duck #5 (Marvel)
NickZ: The final issue was also the most hilarious issue! There were too many great comedic bits in this one!

Inhumans Attilan Rising #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Another great issue with an awesome ending. Medusa is such a bad ass!

Injection #4 (Image)
NickZ: This series just gets better and better! It feels very much like Fringe and I’m loving it!

King Tiger #1 (Dark Horse)secret wars 5
Infinite Speech: It’s a fun martial arts action title with an intense cliffhanger so I’ll be back for the next issue.

Lando #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: This issue was much better than the first. Maybe Lando can carry his own series after all.

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: I like this series better than I thought I would.

Red Hood Arsenal #3 (DC)
Arnab: Gordon was “friends” with Batman for years, what could possibly compel him to attack every single one of Batman’s previous allies.
NickZ: Question: Can you have too many arse jokes? Answer: No!

Secret Wars #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: Secret Wars is the event that we’ve all been waiting for. Easily the best event either of the Big 2 have come out with in years.
Infinite Speech: See how great an event can be when you’ve been prepping for it for years.
NickZ: We finally get answers to the birth of Battleworld and hints at it’s destruction. They slowed things way down but it was probably my favorite issue yet.

Secret Wars Battleworld #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Two pretty strange Silver Surfer tales.

Secret Wars 2099 #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: The Avengers 2099 have a civil war of their own and once more i’m on Captain America’s side.

skull kickers 100Skullkickers #100 (Image)
Infinite Speech: This is one of those titles I had had no intention of starting and it ended up being one of the best over the past few years. It will be missed.
NickZ: The Skullkickers finale breaks the rules of numbering, breaks the rules of gender stereotypes, and breaks reality itself!

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m not a fan of this couple but this book is still enjoyable.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8 (Marvel)
NickZ: Loki cosplays as Cat Thor and it’s hilarious!

Unity #21 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: I’m not liking War Monger’s character at all.

The Walking Dead #145 (Image)
Arnab: I like where this is going. It’s just not there yet.
NickZ: I wish this issue was as powerful as the cover.

Years of Future Past #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: This book goes form chill to no chill in 4.5 seconds! Can’t wait to see how it ends.

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