Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/01/15

18 Days #1 (Graphic India)
Infinite Speech: This is a first issue that perfectly sets up what we’ll be seeing later on and it’s only $1.00 so there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a try!

A-Force #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: It’s never not satisfying to see a Sentinel taken down and that’s just one of the great things about this issue.

Action Comics #42 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Still a top Superman book w/ excellent art but the story falters a bit. And Metropolis cops worse than GCPD?

Amazing Spider-Man #19.1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: As much as I love the gangster stories I want this one to wrap up and move on.

American Vampire Second Cyclamerican vampire sc 8e (Vertigo)
Arnab: Dooode. Skinner Sweet. Showing everyone why he’s awesome.

Athena IX #1 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: I’ve seen rebellions fail but that was a failure of EPIC proportions right there. A nice look at who Athena is in this one-shot.

Batman: Detective Comics #42 (DC)
Arnab: More Bullock, less robot Batman please.
Martin: 3/5 stars. The Bullock scenes are great, but for some reason the Batman portions just aren’t working yet.

Bat-Mite #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I applaud DC for taking a gamble on a humor book; it just needs MORE humor. Some fun inside jokes about Hawkman.

Bizarro #2 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Some people really have a hate-on for “Bizarro-speak” but Corson handles it well, & the art brings a smile to my face

Chew #50 (Image)
Arnab: I can’t believe there’s only 10 more issues left. Go Tony! This issue made me miss Toni.

Darth Vader #7 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This continues to be the standout Star Wars title from Marvel and gives us the Vader we deserve!

Future Imperfect #secret wars 42 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A twist on Thing’s origin and a good ole fashioned Hulk vs Thing brawl so yeah, I had fun.

He-Man The Eternity War #7 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Never thought I’d feel sorry for Skeletor but that was a serious mind @#$! from Hordak!

Imperium #6 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: If it was my job to fight Harada I would quit that job immediately. And Sunlight On Snow deserves to be called that now for saving Harada’s butt!

Onyx #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: All the great things about science fiction all rolled up in Garbriel Rodriguez’s fabulous artwork!

  Secret Wars #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: “I am fire and life incarnate! Now and forever — I am Phoenix!” He’ll be back, he has to be. #teamcyclops
Infinite Speech: Doom proves once again why he’s not to be messed with and helps Cyclops with that kink in his neck.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #47 (IDW)
Arnab: Poor turtles can’t get a single break.
Infinite Speech: The creative team brings a classic scene back and multiplied the danger times 100!

Uber #26 (Avatar)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Things get really exciting this issue with the deployment of HMH Churchill, finally! Totally not what I expected.

We Stand On Guard #1 (Image)tmnt 47
Infinite Speech: It’s like ‘Red Dawn’ for Canada but we’re the bad guys! I picked this up on a whim and can’t wait for the next issue!
Martin: 4/5 stars. Skroce’s art is the major selling point to this. Characterization is a bit thin, but it’s only a 1st issue.

X-O Manowar #38 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: The Ninjak interaction at the wedding was hilarious in this issue! Pick it up and have some fun too!

Years of Future Past #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I haven’t seen a monologue like that since the Claremont days and Lockheed is all grown up!

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