Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/28/14

Adventures of Superman #13 (DC)
NickZ: Another great “people” story that goes the way you don’t expect. I really love this series.

avengers 30Avengers #30 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Reads a LOT better if you don’t think of it as a tie-in to Original Sin.

Batman #31 (DC)
Arnab: I wasn’t a believer when Zero Year started, but this issue was fantastic.
Dr. Bustos: Batman fights lions and rides a dirtbike, I don’t think I need to say more.
Jeff: This was definitely the best issue of Batman in this whole “Zero Year” story.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Capullo’s art is spectacular with a very cinematic flair to key scenes. I’m ready for present-day Batman though.
NickZ: Another masterpiece from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo! I’m certain Zero Year will go down as their definitive Batman story.

Batman Eternal #8 (DC)
Arnab: We’re back to Gordon, Gotham PD, and the Falcone war, aka where this story shines.
Martin: 4/5 stars. The story gets back-on-track and Guillem March provides some great art. My fave issue of the past few.

Catwoman #31 (DC)
NickZ: This “Race of Thieves” storyline is the best thing to happen to this book in a while.

Chew Revival #1 (Image)
Infinite Speech: It was fun and better than expected and a fantastic cross promotion attempt!
Jeff: A strange crossover which was not better than the sum of its parts.
NickZ: This was an awesome crossover. Both the Chew style story and the Revival style story on the flip side, worked out great.

Deadly Class #5 (Image)
NickZ: This story has gotten so f###ed up! I love it! Everyone needs to be reading this amazing book from Rick Remender and Wes Craig.

Deadpool #29 (Marvel)
Arnab: I really dig Deadpool’s marriage.
Infinite Speech: This book reads how Deadpool looks. And the “connection” to Original Sin is laughable.
NickZ: Deadpool and his bride continue on their wacky newlywed adventures, while Agent Preston discovers some shocking news about ‘pool’s daughter via the Watcher’s eye.

Fantastic Four #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I really hate these “heroes on trial” issues it seems so full of plot holes.

Ghostbusters #16 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: If you are a fan of the films then you’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading this title! Just consistently great work here!

guardians of the galaxy 15Guardians of the Galaxy #15 (Marvel)
Arnab: Did I miss something or was Captain Marvel somewhere hidden in the story?
Jeff: Um…despite being on the cover, Captain Marvel wasn’t in the book at all. Weird.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #13 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This series blows a lot of those New 52 titles away and should be getting a lot more praise.

Inhuman #2 (Marvel)
Jeff: Joe Mad draws an iconic Captain America.
NickZ: I could look at Joe Madureira’s art in this book all day long. The story isn’t half bad either with interesting new characters and Medusa more badass than ever!

Justice League Dark #31 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. DeMatteis is doing some great work, story-wise, but there are 3 inkers that make the art inconsistent.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #13 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This series blows a lot of those New 52 titles away and should be getting a lot more praise.

Mighty Avengers #10 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: This had some of the best description boxes ever and a great opening fight.
Infinite Speech: THIS is what a perfect tie-in to an event book looks like!

Ms. Marvel #4 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: She’s in a costume! Yes!
Jeff: If you like the classic Marvel teen hero with real-life issues, then you will love what Wilson and Alphona are doing with Kamala Khan.

New 52 Futures End #4 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. I’m a big Frankenstein fan so it’s cool to see him in this book along with Amethyst. The future is weird.

Nightwing #30 (DC)
Arnab: This wasn’t much of a final issue, but it was a great lead in to the upcoming Grayson title.
NickZ: A great transition issue for Dick as Batman prepares him for his most deadly mission yet. I can’t wait for the new series.

Samurai Jack #8 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: I can’t praise this book enough and I didn’t even know I wanted to read it!

Secret Origins #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Dustin Nguyen’s art is the star. Thank goodness we got a Batman origin. Always wondered how he became Batman

Sex #13 (Image)
NickZ: This book has the feel of a really dark HBO or Showtime series about a former superhero, trying to find his place in a super disturbing, messed up city. If that sounds like something your into, then you should totally pick it up.

skull kickers 27Skull Kickers #27 (Image)
Infinite Speech: If you’re lacking a sense of humor this book will revive it immediately.
NickZ: If you like Lord of the Rings and/or Dungeons and Dragons mixed with off the wall humor and heart, then you must read this gem of a series from Jim Zub and Edwin Huang.

Southern Bastards #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: The Dirty South is getting even dirtier in this awesome series!
Jeff: This story is becoming a modern-day Southern mythological epic. I love it!

The Star Wars #8 (Dark Horse)
Jeff: I did not see the Sith Lord face-turn. A great ending to what Star Wars could have been.
NickZ: This mini-series was very interesting but I’m glad it’s not what ended up not the screen. A must read for any true Star Wars fan.

Superman #31 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Oddly enough, this is a Doomed tie-in although it’s not called out on the cover. The Lois stuff is getting old.
NickZ: Superman continues his transformation into Doomsday, while his friends try to find a cure. Not a one seems to worried about the worst case scenario except of course for Luthor.

Thanos Annual #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Jim Starlin and Ron Lim tease a lot in here that we’ll have to till August to appreciate the full scope and I’m not upset at all!

Tomb Raider #4 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Back to Yamatai and Laura is prepared to get her friend back! Gail Simone is giving us the Laura Croft we deserve folks!

Trees #1 (Image)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. I think this is going to be a slow building series but this 1st issue is intriguing with interesting world-building.
NickZ: Warren Ellis lays the foundation for what looks to be a very intriguing story and Jason Howard’s art has never been more eery! I can’t wait to see where they take us.

Uncanny Avengers #20 (Marvel)
Jeff: The team is finally reunited and it feels…so…good.
NickZ: As usual, Cyclops has to step up and save his bother’s ass. It’s nice to see them on the same side again, it’s been a while.

Wolverine #7 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m actually enjoying this book. Who would have thought? Also, Captain Britain making an appearance is always a plus!

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