Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/22/13


Adventure Time #16 (Boom!)
Dr. Bustos: A Finn, Jake, and Ice King team-up! I always like seeing Ice King stuff since it’s often sad, heartwarming, and scary. A
NickZ: Great new insight into the Ice King and a great back-up by Sina Grace and S. Steven Struble

FionnaCake5Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake #5 (Boom!)
Dr. Bustos: We’re getting toward the end and things are getting out of hand for our heroines. B+
NickZ: The Ice Queen really pulls one over on our heroes. Can’t believe there is only one more episode left.

A+X #8 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Just one of these stories would have been fine but together it’s extra great. Hulk Hand Arrow may be my favorite Trick Arrow. A+
NickZ: The Hawkguy and Deadpool team-up was the best, bro!

Avengers #12 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Solid story but once again Deodato’s art is freakin’ awesome!

Batman: The Dark Knight #20 (DC)
NickZ: Seriously, how much more tragedy can Batman deal with?

Batman Incorporated #11 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: A nice story outside of our regular adventure that’s a little more lighthearted in these end times. A
NickZ: This issue was total filler and it felt like it.

Batman Li’l Gotham #2 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Christmas and New Year’s in May, I’m always for more Christmas. A
NickZ: Could this book be any cuter? Also, I miss the Gotham City Sirens.

Bounce #1 (Image)
Jeff: This book is also known as “If Speedball were high all the time.”
Jeff Lake: First issue is all over the place. Has potential, but needs to simmer down. Spider-Man with a potty mouth.

deadpool 10Deadpool #10 (Marvel)
Arnab: Best issue yet.
Dr. Bustos: A team-up with the Superior Spider-Man, Deadpool is always at his best with a buddy/foil. A
NickZ: Deadpool and Superior Spider-man? I ship it!

Doctor Who #9 (IDW)
Jeff: This issue was the best of the series so far. And the Doctor only showed up on one page!

The Flash #20 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: I was hoping this orb was meaning The Flash was heading into Brisco County Jr. territory. B-

Fantastic Four #8 (Marvel)
Jeff: When Mark Farmer is not inking Mark Bagley, his art looks ghastly.

Half Past Danger #1 (IDW)

Jeff Lake: Reasons to buy this book: Dinosaurs, bar fights, Nazis, dames. Reasons not to: you hate fun.

Judge Dredd #7 (IDW)
Dr. Bustos: This robot uprising is getting complex and I’m digging the end of issue stories. A

Justice League #20 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Okay, it’s getting better but not worth it until we get to the Shazam tale at the end.

Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech:
So, so, so freakin’ good! This needs to be on everyone’s shelf!

Masks #7 (Dynamite)
Ininfinite Speech:
I had to wait this long for some pay off in a limited series? What is this? A Marvel title??

Occupy-Comics-1Occupy Comics #1 (Black Mask)
Infinite Speech:
Nice collection of short stories for a good cause!

Powers: Bureau #4 (Marvel/Icon)
Infinite Speech:
Get your head out of your butt and pick this title up immediately!

Scarlet Spider #17 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: “Hey we want you to kill Wolverine.” “Sorry, I’d rather stick my head in a blender.”
NickZ: This was so awesome! I love when Wolverine gets what he deserves! Yost needs to be writing an X-Book! Stat!

Sex #3 (Image)
NickZ: A very “adult” series and not just in the sexy way, but that too! How long until this becomes a show on HBO or Showtime?

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi – Prisoner of Bogan #5 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech:
Great story but might read a little better once collected.

Star Wars: Legacy Vol 3 #3 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech:
Loving this series as it sets itself apart from everything else in the Star Wars universe!

Superior Spider-Man #10 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Be happy Slott is taking readers to someplace NEW with this title! Can’t wait for more!
Jeff: Stegman’s art is so funny. Some issues it’s awesome and other issues it’s like “Who drew this crap?”
NickZ: I’m so excited for where this book is headed. Now free of Peter, Doc Ock must face the first real challenge since he became Spider-Man.

Superman #20 (DC)
NickZ: Well that deescaleded quickly. I didn’t get the whole Lana part of the story either.

Talon #8 (DC)
NickZ: This book keeps going in places you didn’t think it would. James Tynion IV is doing good things here. READ IT!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain MicroSeries – Baxter #2

Infinite Speech: Finally! Baxter Stockman is looking like a formidable villain that we shouldn’t underestimate!

Teen Titans #20 (DC)
Arnab: Meh
So, we get Raven’s back story and I could not care less.

Uncanny Avengers #8AU (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Can’t wait to see how all of this plays out!
Jeff: Not one of these AU books is worth reading.

ucxm 6Uncanny X-Men #6 (Marvel)
Arnab: Hell yea, Cyclops!
Infinite Speech: Frazier Irving excels when he gets to draw the weird and unusual and he makes this one look fantastic!
Jeff: Holy crap, Frazer Irving’s artwork is stunning. Keep him on board forever please!
NickZ: Cyclops is such a bad ass. I love these kids too.

X-Men Legacy #11 (Marvel)
NickZ: If you were wondering where “Professor” Red Skull went after Uncanny Avengers, look no further than here.

Young Avengers #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: This series is a blast!
NickZ: Dumb reason for these kids to stay together but i’m on board.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Schitd'k

    I think the Speech that is Infinite may have undersold Lone Wolf and Cub, which is by far one of the greatest epics ever written. This is the series I compare all other too.

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