Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/08/15

Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #4 (Boom)
NickZ: This series maybe the closest we’ve come to exploring Princess Bubblegum and Marceline’s relationship.

All-New Hawkeye #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The art for the flashbacks is a great watercolor episode!
NickZ: Lemire and Herring are killing it on this series. The intertwining of the past and present through a cohesive story while simultaneously using different art styles to differentiate the two is brilliant!

Angela: Asgard’s Assassin #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: One of the few Marvel titles that is consistently kicking ass on every level of story and art!

Astro City #22 (Vertigo)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Busiek continues his streak of engaging, character-driven stories. A perfect jumping-on point for new readers.

big man plans 2 Big Man Plans #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: I give this issue 5 busted kneecaps! Powell and Weisch are on fire with this one!

Convergence #1 (DC)
Arnab: I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored of an event before.
Infinite Speech: I’m going to let you finish, Convergence but 1984 Secret Wars had the best Battleworld of all time!
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I was hoping for something really strong after the #0 issue, but this is basically pages of monologuing.
NickZ: This is just plain weak story telling. With the characters involved, so much more could be done.

Convergence: The Atom #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. It’s great to see Ray Palmer as Atom, but he’s nothing like we remember. The change is off-putting.

Convergence Batgirl #1 (DC)
Arnab: This is not the Tim Drake you are looking for.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. There is some really great character interactions in this, but some of the layouts seem too rushed.
NickZ: Loved seeing Stephanie Brown as Batgirl but why the hell is Red Robin so stupid all of the sudden?

Convergence Batman and Robin #1 (DC)
Arnab: That art was just not great. Come to think of it, none of it was.
Infinite Speech: Bruce & Damian’s talk in the cave was the best part of the issue. Nothing else kept me here.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. This is a decent Batman & Robin story but as a Convergence tie-in it’s just okay.
NickZ: This wasn’t bad but wasn’t good either. Red Hood and Batman had moved past this before Flashpoint, right?

Convergence Harley Quinn #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I’m expected to take this issue seriously? Visual mistakes and a weak story just kept me from enjoying a character I really like.
Martin: 3/5 stars. This one doesn’t seem to really know where it’s going. It should’ve stuck to focusing on Harley.
NickZ: It was cool to see the Sirens back together and the old Harley Quinn back, but the story was not good.

Convergence Justice League #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. It’s fun seeing these teammates together again, & a cool ending. But it’s not “heroic.”
NickZ: A female Justice League, I can get behind but things in this story made no sense.

Convergence Nightwing and Oracle #1 (DC)
Arnab: Best tie-in issue. I really miss Dick and Babs together like this.
Martin: 4/5 stars. One of the better Convergence titles this week. Great art & characterizations.
NickZ: Probably the best Convergence book this week. I’ve missed Oracle more than I realized!

Convergence: The Question #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I actually prefer the Vic Sage version, but it was cool seeing Montoya don the Fedora again.

Convergence: Speed Force #1 (DC)descender 2
Arnab: I really missed Wally and the kids.
Infinite Speech: So much explaining in this issue that it read more like a manual to the Speed Force.
Martin: 4/5 stars. What everyone’s been waiting for – the return of the “real” Wally West. It doesn’t fail to deliver.

Convergence: Superman #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Well…that was pretty boring.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Another great chance to see classic characters & relationships, even though it’s a bit contrived.

Convergence: The Titans #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I miss these Titans but the cliffhanger seemed forced.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Great art, & worth it if you want to see some pre-New 52 incarnations of the Titans.

Copperhead #6 (Image)
NickZ: Copperhead returns with a slow build into the next chapter of this great series.

Darth Vader #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This series has everything needed to keep you coming back for more and more!
NickZ: I’ll never get use to seeing an evil “C-3PO-like” droid doing awful things.

Deadpool #45 (Marvel)
Arnab: I paid how much for this?
NickZ: I can almost say that this book had enough content that was actually good and hilarious enough to merit it costing ten bucks…almost.

Descender #2 (Image)
Arnab: I’m going to say it now, best new series of the year.
NickZ: Another great story where Lemire did an amazing job of cutting a past and current story together without taking away from either. And of course, Dustin Nguyen’s art is fantastic!

Howard the Duck #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Zdarsky and Quinones make for a great comedy duo and when you throw in Rob Guillory for the back-up story, well that’s just icing on the cake!

Hulk #14 (Marvel)saga 27
Infinite Speech: If there was ever a time to NOT change into Banner then it happens here!

Imperium #3 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Sunlight on Snow is my new favorite Valiant character! All the feels right there!

Lady Demon #4 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech: That was fun!

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #12 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Bendis and Marquez close this out in great fashion!

Mortal Kombat X #5 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Nice expansion on the MK mythology and characters!

Rai #8 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Kindt and Crain leave Rai at a turning point and I can’t wait until they come back!

Rat Queens #10 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Still getting used to the Sejic’s style here but it’s still a damn good series!

Saga #27 (Image)
Arnab: Holy shit I love Marko. So much.
NickZ: Staples and Vaughan haven’t made a bad issue yet, or even a mediocre one. Marko is a great character and this issue just proves that.

Spider-Man 2099 #11 (Marvel)walking dead 140
NickZ: Um…what the hell just happened?

Spider-Woman #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: Between this book and the Daredevil Netflix show, I’m really starting to like Ben Urich.

Storm #10 (Marvel)
NickZ: Did Storm ever really have any connection to Kenji?

The Walking Dead #140 (Image)
Arnab: Dude, that double page spread though.
NickZ: Loved that Rick called Michonne his BFF. Also, who didn’t see that ending coming?

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