Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 02/20/13

Action Comics #17 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Having Superman tell a guy who helped him that he owes the guy, is sweet, Superman helps everyone all the time but still believes in repaying that man. A

Adventure Time #13 (kaboom!)
Dr. Bustos: Hacking! Tron! Computer Time! This was a pretty fun and dark look into the history of the Land of Oo. A

Avengers #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Fell asleep while reading it. Seriously.

Baltimore Widow and Tank #1 (Dark Horse)
Decapitated Dan: I like this character, but this issue felt off. In my opinion quick hits don’t work for him. Good but not great.

Batwoman #17 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: I want them to not screw things up with what Kate says at the end, I really want DC not to screw this up. A+

Captain Marvel #10 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: This book gives me anxiety and I mean that in the best way possible. A

Deadpool #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: Solid issue, but I’m beginning to bore o f these presidents.
Dr. Bustos:
Things are looking bad for Team Deadpool! Hope things can be saved before it’s too late. B+

Hellblazer #300 (DC)
Decapitated Dan: NOPE! NO WAY! What the hell was that? That was the worst way to wrap up a 30 year old book. Really sad I read this, and really sad DC made this move.

Indestructible Hulk #4 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: This is by FAR the best Marvel book in years!!! Not looking forward to the art change, but the story is way to strong to care.
Infinite Speech: Holy DAMN! I’m really liking this book!
Jeff: There are so many good things about this book. Leinil Yu’s art, Waid putting Hulk in impossible situations, and a phenomenal cast!

Jericho: Season 4 #2 (IDW)
Infinite Speech:
I like the story direction but the art is hard to get through.

Judge Dredd #4 (IDW)
Dr. Bustos: Dang clone ethical dilemmas. B+

Justice League #17 (DC)
There was a lot of giving up in this issue. A-
Infinite Speech:
Nice conclusion to the storyline now let’s see what this title can do on it’s own.

Justice League of America #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
Meh. Didn’t get interesting until Martian Manhunter revealed himself.

Locke & Key: Omega #3 (IDW )
Decapitated Dan: A mid-point build to the big showdown issue, it’s good as always, but just a build issue. So sad this is almost over, possibly best comic story ever!
Infinite Speech: A lot of build but damn was it great!
Jeff: That is a really messed up thing to do a recovering alcoholic.

Nova #1 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: I know nothing about this character, and I really loved this issue. Maybe I need to check out more Marvel Space books… naw.
Infinite Speech:
Seriously worth checking out if you were on the fence about this one!
Jeff: This felt like a Spielburg movie in print form. I liked it!

Red Hood and the Outlaws #17 (DC)
Damian and Roy playing football was fantastic! A
Infinite Speech:
Looks like Joker had one more card up his sleeve. And Arsenal delivered the best line in comics this week!

Saga #10 (Image)
Arnab: I literally gasped at the end of this. A
Decapitated Dan:
Another awesome issue, but that’s to be expected now, this one wins for the ending alone… NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Bustos: Izabel is back and she’s doing all sorts of gorilla illusion spells! A+
Infinite Speech: It’s the title we don’t deserve but we’re so damn happy we’re getting it!
Jeff: That ending had better be “lying.”

Savage Wolverine #2 (Marvel)
Jeff: I thought Amadeus Cho was supposed to be a kid. I like how Shanna is treating Logan.

Spawn #228 (Image)
Infinite Speech:
McFarlane does some recapping while Kudranski kicks ass with the visuals!

Superior Spider-Man #4 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: Not too bad, not too great. Slott is great on this book and it shows. Next issue will be awesome… I hope.
Infinite Speech: Things are going to get brutal real soon
Jeff: It’s great to see Otto up against a psycho killer and see how he reacts.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #19 (IDW)
Turtles in spce? Absolutely fantastic! A
Infinite Speech: Loving this series so far and even this off planet issue fits perfectly!

Thor: God of Thunder #5 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Loving this exploration of the gods in the Marvel universe and how huge this story is. A
Jeff: A god-killer taking a bath in blood and 2 Thors make this book truly exceptional.

Wonder Woman #17 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Diana and War meet again in the present and things are looking bad for this reunion. A

X-Factor #252 (Marvel)
Jeff: Not much happened in this issue to make it worthwhile.

X-O Manowar #10 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech:

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