All-New, All Different Avengers #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Okay, the team is growing on me but the meta moment w/ Cap & Thor was a nice touch
All-New Inhumans #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: Crystal and company might be in over their heads as things start to get real cray!
Angel: Queen of Hel #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This was a bloody, action filled issue that made this my favorite Marvel title this week!
Batman & Robin Eternal #17 (DC)
Arnab: That was not worth the wait.
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. While this “solved a mystery” posed at the end of issue #1, it wasn’t that big a surprise, really.
NickZ: We finally get to see Batman’s terrible “dark secret”. :-/
Bloodshot Reborn #10 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Larosa’s art is fantastic and Lemire’s narrative is another great story for Bloodshot! Start Analog Man now!
Colder: Toss the Bones #5 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: This has been one of the most twisted, macabre, and entertaining horror titles out today!
Cyborg #7 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Walker is developing Cyborg into the character he needs to be and it’s about time.
Martin: 3/5 stars. There’s so much potential with this series to explore the humanity of Vic Stone but it just misses the mark.
Deadly Class #18 (Image)
NickZ: There are so many people in this book that need to die, starting with Piggy! Remender and Craig have turn this book’s crazy level up to 11!
Deadpool & Cable Split Second #2 (Marvel)
Arnab: I’ma be real. This shit was confusing af. But. It was Nicieza writing Deadpool, so still very funny.
NickZ: Time travel paradoxes give me a headache but this has some pretty funny social commentary in it.
Dreaming Eagles #2 (Aftershock)
Infinite Speech: The father/son dynamic gets lost in a great story about the Tuskegee Airmen.
East of West #24 (Image)
Arnab: Hot Damn. You know when there’s an issue and it’s like, shit’s about to get real? That’s this issue.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Includes most of the main characters to set the stage for the next arc, but the best is Death & his partners.
Extraordinary X-Men #6 (Marvel)
Arnab: So Storm’s starting up a kill team? Again? And she thinks she’s somehow better than Cyclops?
Infinite Speech: Slowly but surely getting better. Like Nightcrawler.
NickZ: Remember when Storm was outraged that Cyclops had Wolverine on a secret kill squad? #Hypocrite
Faith #1 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Another steller hit for Valiant proving once again why you should be reading their titles!
Grayson #16 (DC)
Arnab: Grayson and Tiger make a good looking couple. #BaBowBow
NickZ: Probably the funnest issue yet. This is Dick Grayson at his most Dick Grayson.
He-Man: The Eternity War #14 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This is a great story but I wish the art was stronger.
Jem and the Holograms #11 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Thompson & Campbell start the Dark Jem storyline off right!
Justice League of America #7 (DC)
NickZ: Superman is a beast! I can’t wait to see what Wonder Woman does with the Thunderbolt of Zeus!
Martin: 4/5 stars. This has been a bit up & down, but this issue of this self-contained, non-continuity JLA has great character development.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: You’ll have fun with this one so add it to your pull list!
Old Man Logan #1 (Marvel)
Arnab: Is this supposed to be a lead up to Civil War 2?
NickZ: Amazing first issue. I love the idea of a crazy old Wolverine running around murdering people for things they have yet to do.
Outcast #15 (Image)
NickZ: Things are so messed up for Kyle, his family, and the Reverend. This book goes so deep into darkness.
Saga #33 (Image)
Arnab: Even their side stories are awesome.
NickZ: You gotta love the diversity in this book! BKV and Fiona Staples are representing for everyone!
Southern Bastards #13 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Looks like things are about to get really bad for Coach Boss and I’m here for that.
Superman #48 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. There have been some decent ideas in the Supes titles with a de-powered Superman, but it’s time to wrap it up.
Superman: Lois & Clark #4 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Seems to be flying under the radar, which is a shame. Feels more “real” than the main Superman books.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #54 (IDW)
Arnab: Poor Mikey.
Infinite Speech: A good issue but missing the tension and energy from the Pre 50 issues.
Teen Titans #16 (DC)
NickZ: Rebirth is the only hope for this book and I’m not even sure what it is about.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: This Dr. Doom reminds me of a more successful Mojo Jojo.
Venom: Space Knight #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Okay, that last page is something I’ve been wanting the symbiote to do again for years!
We Are Robin #8 (DC)
Infinite Speech: You knew this was going to happen but still a solid issue.