Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/31/14

east of west 16Batman Eternal #39 (DC)
Arnab: My money is on Rex. He seems a bit too cozy in prison. Plus, he’s Catwoman’s father, something has to come out of that revelation.
Martin: 3/5 stars. For a book that should be winding down, this gives more questions than answer. And no mention of Spoiler.

Earth 2: World’s End #13 (DC)
Martin: 1.5/5 stars. The art is good but the story in this is the worst of the series by far. So many inconsistencies.

East of West #16 (Image)
Arnab: War has come. No one is safe. This book is so damn good.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Really awesome art and page layouts accompanying a new arc. Interesting character & world changes.

New 52 Futures End #35 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Does a pretty good job of actually touching on all major plot points, & 50-Sue gets a comeuppance.

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