Alpha Flight #6 (Marvel)
Capekiller: Absolute crap!
Aquaman #3 (DC)
Andy: Step aside Tim Drake, Aquaman just became my top DC character. Yeah, you heard that right.
Arnab: Mera is the one of the most badass females in the DC universe.
Astonishing X-Men #44 (Marvel)
Andy: I have no clue what the hell I just read. Just gotta remember, “In Greg Pak, I trust… in Greg Pak, I trust…”
Capekiller: It seems as though it has been this books mantra to be really, really… “abstract” over the past seven years.
Infinite Speech: This felt like a lost Exiles story which was cool with me and it was great seeing McKone’s work as usual!
Jeff: Now this is what Astonishing is supposed to be like!
NickZ: I can sum this up in three letters: WTF?
Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (Marvel)
Capekiller: Boring and meaningless to anyone who has any familiarity with these characters already.
Batman The Dark Knight #3 (DC)
Arnab: This is a fairly decent issue. Some parts are sketch at best, but it’s still a wildly entertaining book.
NickZ: Once you get past the ridiculousness of this story, it’s not half bad.
B.D.R.P. Hell on Earth: Russia
Capekiller: Beautifully drawn, macabre story.
Billy Tucci’s A Child is Born #1 (Apostle Arts)
Andy: The most PC version of the birth of Jesus you will ever read… or try to read. I didn’t get past page 4.
Daken Dark Wolverine #17 (Marvel)
NickZ: Just if things couldn’t get any more twisted… enter the Runaways!
Executive Assistant: Iris Vol 2 #5 (Aspen)
Infinite Speech: Great story hindered by not so great artwork.
Fantastic Four #600 (Marvel)
Arnab: Frankly, I’m surprised more people haven’t tweeted about this. Johnny’s story was freaking fantastic and Franklin is just awesome in general. That’s how do an anniversary issue.
The Flash #3 (DC)
Arnab: Easily one of the most beautiful books out there. The manipulation of the Flash’s powers is brilliant. This book is making Barry Allen interesting again.
NickZ: This continues to be one of the best DCnU titles out there! I like how Flash is using his powers in new ways.
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3 (DC)
Arnab: Easily the best book of the series. The characters aren’t nearly as annoying and the bad guys no longer really feel like bad guys.
Green Lantern New Guardians #3 (DC)
Arnab: I don’t know how many times I can say this, but when will the Guardians of Oa die? Oh, and how the hell do these freaks continue to reproduce? No matter how many die, there’s always so many of them.
Andy: Larfleeze may be the shot in the arm this book desperately needs.
I, Vampire #3 (DC)
Andy: The Vampires take the fight to Gotham City next issue! Hell yeah!!
Arnab: Vampires in Gotham? Holy shit, yes! Andrew Bennett is totally awesome.
Invincible #85 (Skybound)
NickZ: Cory Walker returns to pencil a story filled with sex, growing up, and betrayal! (In that order)
The Invincible Iron Man #510 (Marvel)
Capekiller: Fraction continues to be good on this book. Stark starts feeling the fallout from his lapse in sobriety.
Iron Man 2.0 #10 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This book is getting cancelled just when things are picking up again.
Justice League Dark #3 (DC)
Andy: Milligan is making this scattered cast of characters work pretty well. However, the teen-angst sexuality employed by adults is a little off putting.
Kick-Ass 2 #5 (Icon)
Andy: Gratuitously gory for no reason. Slowly but surely, I’m getting over Kick-Ass.
Capekiller: Wow, Millar continues to find new ways to shock me! Oh, and yayyyyyy, Mindy’s back!!!
Locke & Key: Guide to the Known Keys #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: What I thought was going to be just a look at the keys turned out to have a very touching father/son story.
Jeff: A beautifully done short story that has pulls at the heartstrings and develops the history of the keys even more. Hill, Rodriguez, and Fotos are masters of the craft of storytelling.
The Mighty Thor #8 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Whatever made everyone not remember Thor should also make me not remember Fear Itself. Good issue though!
Rasl #12 (Cartoon Books)
Andy: Jeff Smith, put this baby out more often, dude!
The Savage Hawkman #3 (DC)
Andy: This is the best artwork I’ve ever seen from Philip Tan. One of my top 10 of the DCnU.
Scalped #54 (Vertigo)
Andy: Oh, man. Best creator-owned book on the shelves right now. Sad we’re about to kick off the final arc.
Secret Avengers #19 (Marvel)
Andy: Warren Ellis has found the working formula for this roller-coaster series. Too bad he’s off the title soon.
The Sixth Gun #17 (Oni)
Andy: I still really like it, but lateness is proving it’s best read in trade format.
Superman #3 (DC)
NickZ: Superman continues to face a menace that he believes himself to be the cause of. Meanwhile, I’m getting bored.
Teen Titans #3 (DC)
Andy: I miss Tim Drake in Gotham City. That’s all.
Arnab: This issue was fun-filled, exciting, and a great read. This is the makings of a really strong team.
NickZ: Call me crazy but I think I am really going to dig this group of Titans, once they assemble and all.
Vescell #4 (Image)
Infinite Speech: This series is consistently great and actually is full of surprises!
Voodoo #3 (DC)
Andy: Um, why the hell was Ron Marz taken off this title? It’s a good book and that move makes no damn sense.
Infinite Speech: Liking the steady build and Kyle get’s embarrassed so a good issue indeed!
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Jason Aaron just did everything I hoped and dreamed he’d do with Iceman, and this is only issue #2. Best X-book I’ve read all year.
Arnab: I’m a huge fan of Iceman, so I’m glad he got his time to shine. I do think it’s weird that he went all out, all at once, out of nowhere. But hey, maybe he also read Uncanny X-Force.
Capekiller: A little over the top in every way possible, but boy do I love Bachalo!
Infinite Speech: Iceman finds his balls and Krakoa kicks the X-Men’s ass…again!
Jeff: Which wonderful thing should I chirp about? How about: Iceman/Sauron/Wendigo/Krakoa/Idie/Broo/Quentin Quire/Chris Bachalo/Jason Aaron/Husk/Frankenstein Monsters-with-flamethrowers???
NickZ: Iceman put on his big boy pants. It would have been more impressive if AoA Iceman hadn’t just done it better over in Uncanny X-Force.
Be sure to catch up on all past Chirps here!
Andy Liegl
Arnab Pradhan
Infinite Speech
Jeff Jackson
Nick Zamora
Really Andy? Aquaman over Tim Drake? For shame.
Yep! DCn52 Tim Drake is weak sauce. DCn52 Aquaman is all sorts of badass.
Aquaman has been crap for so long that any slight improvment seems to put him on the level of really cool superheroes like Squirrel Girl.
Wolvie and the X-Men #2 was a good book but the best X-Book of all year goes to the Uncanny X-Force series hands down!
Cape, please stop buying Alpha Flight books.
I can’t, it is nationally mandated……
@Andy: I agree with Arnab. WTH?
Think they should’ve put a spoiler warning on Dark Knight. They ruined the ending to Arkham City.
I just picked up the first three issues of Aquaman for 99 cents, so I’ll give it it’s day in court….