Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/04/2012


Action Comics #8 (DC)
Dr. Bustos:
The Braniac storyline comes to an end and we get to see the relationship between Superman and Metropolis reach status quo, all in all a fun story with promise of a dinosaur hunter setting his sights on the last son of Krypton. A
NickZ: One word. Awful!

Age of Apocalypse #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Looks like some original AoA favorites are coming back too bad Cyclops was one of those.
Jeff: This book just shouldn’t be this awesome, but it is. A
NickZ: Let’s bring back every dead mutant and make them evil. Lame.

Amazing Spider-Man #683 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: Nice issue, I love that there is so much story to these issues, just wish I had time to keep up! B+
Infinite Speech: This issue is what pure awesome looks like!
Jeff: Otto finally gets the upper hand…er, tentacle, on Spidey & the Avengers. A+

American Vampire #25
How freaking awesome was that? Even after 25 issues Skinner/Snyder continues to surprise. And here’s hoping we see Travis again. A

Animal Man #8 (DC)
Decapitated Dan: Steve Pugh, I kiss you. First the wolf in half, then a decapitated rabbit! Awesome issue, love this series! A
Dr. Bustos: This comic is one of the best in combining horror with superheroics and throwing in an interesting family dynamic, each page makes me want and fear more. A+

Avengers vs X-Men #1 (Marvel)
Arnab: “It occurs to me, seeing you standing here, where were you for us?” F’ yea Scott Summers! A
Decapitated Dan:
Oh look another event and this time it will mean something and it will only cost you $60 to get the WHOLE story. This issue was boring, same old crap. D
Infinite Speech: After everything that’s happened, Scott NOW thinks the Phoenix force is coming to help? Oh, and Black Panther is on the Avengers again!!
Jeff: I wish they hadn’t previewed half this book already. They should have made the first issue oversized. B-
NickZ: “Respectfully, get the hell off my island” -Shit just got real.

Avengers Academy #28 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: I would say it was pointless, but at least Old Lace is back. But now GET BACK INTO LIMBO TEAM! So I guess it was pointless. D
NickZ: All problems can be solved with a group mind meld.

Batman: Detective Comics #8 (DC)
Decent story, lovely art. B
I like how they were able to fit Batman, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy (sort of), and Hugo Strange into this story in a way that made sense and didn’t feel forced.

Batwing #8 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: While I saw the reveal of Massacre coming it still had an impact on me since I’ve come to care about David and his world. A
Infinite Speech: I thought it was him in the beginning but then signs pointed elsewhere and now the true identity of Massacre has been revealed in another great issue!
NickZ: This book is super good! What a twist, Massacre ended up being the person I thought he was, but they convinced me he wasn’t, but he actually was!

Chew #25 (Image)
Month in and Month out, one of the best comic books on the market. It is everything NickZ says it is and then some. A+
I’m just going to say it, I love Chew! It’s got everything you want in a comic! It’s funny, gross, exciting, and still manages to have heart. Even little things in the background will crack you up.

Danger Club #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: More please!!!!! I NEED MORE NOW!!!!!!!!! A

Fanboys vs Zombies #1 (BOOM!)
Arnab: Without a doubt, one of the most entertaining, energetic, and all around fun books I’ve read all year. A
Decapitated Dan: It was ok. Not good, not bad, just okay. C
Infinite Speech: This issue was only $1!! I paid too much for it.

Fatale #4 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: The mystery and danger surrounding Jo is just getting more intense and dangerous with more cult action. A

Green Arrow #8 (DC)
Green Arrow’s midlife crisis? Boring. Jax, Naomi, and the Q-Core drama? Interesting. Overall, barely decent. B-
Dr. Bustos:
The Green Arrow segments read like you’re in a dream sequence with how surreal it feels, the drama back at the office actually has me intrigued, B-

Hell Yeah #2 (Image)
Excellent story, strong art. That twist in the end? F’ing fantastic! (Although in a strange way) A-

Invincible #90 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: Dinosaurus is quickly becoming my new favorite character with how clever and self-sacrificing (his fight is extremely brutal) he is, I’d read a book just about him. A
NickZ: Another “Holy Crap” beat down takes place in this issue in a way only Ryan Ottley can bring it! Also, Thragg is one of those dudes you just love to hate, he’s awesome!

Justice League International #8 (DC)
Batwing joining the team makes perfect sense with the “international” line up. I enjoyed his take on Booster Gold.

Lenore V.2 #5 (Titan)
Decapitated Dan: Don’t be messing with Pooty! Funny as always, just a pure joy to read, this is why comics are fun! A

New Mutants #40 (Marvel)
Jeff: Way too wordy with way too much jargon and some of the worst art I’ve seen in a while. F
NickZ: I want Douglock back! Also, did Cypher seem extra creepy at the end of this issue or is it just me?

Spawn #218 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Sam better not be dead McFarlane!!! The fight between Freak/Malebolgia & Spawn was awesome!

Static Shock #8 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Well this is the end of the Static comic, it feels more like a first issue than a last but I’ll miss seeing Static fighting solo. B
Infinite Speech: Ummm…yeah, the best way to have Static go out is to tell an origin type story that was told better back in the 90s.

Swamp Thing #8 (DC)
Arnab: The king of the Green is here and boy oh boy is he pissed off. Also, on a strange enough tangent, I want his crown. A

Thunderbolts #172 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: The team has to fight with an earlier version of itself so there’s plenty of great action scenes and a funny bit with Boomerang ruining his own escape plan thanks to time travel. A
Infinite Speech: Thunderbolts is one of the best Marvel titles without even trying!

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #9 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Miles’ uncle is turning into a really interesting guy and now I want to hear what he has to say to Miles too, the beginning part with the cop was great. A-
Infinite Speech: Why is it always the creepy uncle that causes the family problems?

The Waking: Dreams End #1 (Zenescope)
Infinite Speech: I miss Drujiniu’s artwork but the story is starting off pretty damn intense!

Whispers #2 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Hmm… Still chugging along at a slow pace, picked up at the end enough for me to get #3 but it better get somewhere fast. C

Wolverine & the X-Men #8 (Marvel)
Arnab: WTF is going on in this book? The word ridiculous just about sums up this series. B-
Infinite Speech:
Logan does a great impression of Prof. X & Beast has an awesome fight against Sabretooth!
Jeff: I didn’t realize Jason Aaron was playing Contest of Champions! Beast vs. Sabretooth on the Peak space station! A+
NickZ: Wolverine in a wheel chair, everyone can just go to space when they feel like it. This book is just too ridiculous! (and not in a good way)

Wolverine & the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: I like Quentin, but I told you back in issue #1 that they’d never let him win. B-
Jeff: The only good thing about this mini has been Mark Brooks’ art and this issue lacked even that. C
NickZ: I didn’t like the art in this book and it seems like Quentin has a different personality in every issue.

X-Club #5 (Marvel)
Besides having a few really funny moments, this series seemed pointless.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Decapitated Dan

    “Infinite Speech: This issue was only $1!! I paid too much for it.” AHHH HAHAHAHAHA

  2. Nick

    I wish someone let speech and myself know that we were suppose to grade the books. 😛

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