Action Comics #903 (DC)
NickZ: “Reign of the Doomsdays” is probably the best story that hasn’t gotten any real hype/push from DC.
American Vampire #17 (Vertigo)
Andy: My money is on Pearl.
Arnab: Absolutely fantastic. There’s never been a cooler, more badass female vampire than Pearl.
Jeff: The only thing I don’t like about this book is Albuquerque’s signature on every page. Darn you, Water Cooler guys, for pointing that out!
Amazing Spider-Man #666 (Marvel)
Andy: Dan Slott keeps his run churning along strongly. You get a bang for your buck too as this issue is no quick read.
Jeff: Great jumping-on point! If you’re not reading Spidey, now’s the time to get on board for Spider-Island. De plane! De plane, boss!
Astonishing X-Men #40 (Marvel)
Andy: Poor Storm. She’s been turned into a Brood and a Lizard Woman so far this year.
Jeff: An interesting twist on a Brood story…
NickZ: It’s nice to see Kitty and Lockheed back together again, the Brood…not so much.
Batman: The Dark Knight #4 (DC)
Andy: Couldn’t finish it. Knowing it’s going to reboot in a month made me loose all interest. Fabok does a nice job rescuing Finch on art, though.
Arnab: Everything is coming together in this penultimate issue. I still don’t understand Ragman’s purpose in life though.
NickZ: Batman and demon stories usually don’t mix well, but this one is pretty good, so far.
The Cape #1 (IDW)
Andy: Man that was dark, and good. Now I need to go track down the one-shot…
Captain America & Bucky #620 (Marvel)
Andy: If you weren’t a fan of Bucky before, you will be now. Andreyko properly handles delivering a narrative and sucks you into Bucky’s past.
Criminal: The Last of the Innocent #2 (Icon)
Andy: Brubaker’s best Criminal story yet. And that’s saying something.
Deadpool MAX #10 (Marvel)
Andy: Oh man, Lapham does not hold back at all! I wish this was the Deadpool ongoing.
NickZ: That Bob is a wiley one, I’ll give him that.
Detective Comics #880 (DC)
Andy: When Joker said, “You smell like feathers, little bird,” I got chills.
Arnab: Brilliant! There are no words. Best issue of the week, month, year even.
NickZ: I saw that coming from the beginning. This story is very dark even for Batman.
Executive Assistant Violet #1 (Aspen)
Andy: A nice twist at the end. Looking forward to seeing all these Executive Assistants in one room.
Fables #107 (Vertigo)
Andy: Kind of random, but I love Terry Moore’s art. Wish there were more hot chicks in it though because he was drawing this one.
Fear Itself The Deep #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Namor is such a little girl. It’s cool seeing Dr. Strange in action though.
FF #7 (Marvel)
Arnab: Much better than the last issue. Black Bolt is back and he’s ready for war.
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #2 (DC)
Arnab: Strong story, good art. But it’s still missing a direct connection to Flashpoint.
Flashpoint Lois Lane and the Resistance #2 (DC)
NickZ: Action. Adventure. Betrayal. All in all, a good FP book.
Flashpoint Project Superman #2 (DC)
NickZ: Awwe, I feel bad for poor little Kal.
Gotham City Sirens #25 (DC)
Andy: Decent. I hope Selina kicks both of their asses.
NickZ: Looks like this series is going to end with the fight we’ve been waiting to see. Kick their asses, Selina!!!
Arnab: Solid story, amazing art.
Green Arrow #14 (DC)
Arnab: Fantastic issue with a guest appearance by Batman.
Green Lantern Corps #62 (DC)
Arnab: Kyle and Sora’s love is in danger. Who cares?
Invincible #81 (Skybound)
NickZ: It seems as though Mark is about to quit on us.
Last Mortal #3 (Top Cow/Minotaur Press)
Andy: It takes balls to shoot through yourself in order to hit another guy. I don’t see how this can wrap by next issue…maybe I just don’t want it to.
New Mutants #28 (Marvel)
Andy: More stories like this please.
Arnab: I’m surprised the mutants haven’t brought in an outside therapist before.
Jeff: Michael Ryan on art?!?! Didn’t see that happy surprise coming!
NickZ: Is anyone else thinking that there might be a Nate/Hope hook up. How awkward if they end up being related and even if they’re not, Freud would have a field day with the mommy/daddy issue going on here.
Planet of the Apes #4 (BOOM!)
Andy: I was never a PotA fan, but this series has me interested.
The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde #4 (Dark Horse)
Andy: This series was well done, but had a choppy finish. I hope people check it out when it’s collected…in hardcover? Here’s hoping!
Supergirl #66 (DC)
Andy: This title is like a roller coaster, and right now it’s headed down. Looking forward to the reboot.
Teen Titans #98 (DC)
Arnab: Superboy Prime is back and he’s brought even more Superboys to the fight.
Uncanny X-Force #12 (Marvel)
Andy: Woah, woah- did AOA Iceman just get killed by The Blob? WTF dude. That’s bullshit.
Jeff: I don’t know what’s better: AoA Jean kissing Wolverine, Betsy decking Fantomex, Fantomex kissing Betsy, or the reveal of the new AoA Apocalypse!
NickZ: This book is so GREAT!! So many twist and turns and good ol’ fashion X-Men soap opera antics.
Undying Love #4 (Image)
Andy: If you hate vampire stories, read this. It will change your mind.
The Vault #1 (Image)
Andy: Not bad. Beautiful art, but a bit wordy at times. The last page was a cool reveal.
Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom #1 (Dynamite)
Andy: Clearly, Robert Place Napton is a Dune fan: “He who controls the air will control Barsoom.” This issue has the best art in any John Carter comic so far.
Wolverine The Best There Is #8 (Marvel)
NickZ: This book just goes from one strange thing to another.
Wolverine Deadpool The Decoy #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: The cover says it all: Deadpool in Jean Grey drag. ‘Nuff Said!
Xombi #5 (DC)
Andy: Lots of talking in this one slowed the pace a bit, but that’s ok because next issue looks to be a battle royal.
X-Men Legacy #252 (Marvel)
Arnab: Legion either has a very smart plan or he’s an idiot. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Jeff: I love this team, but this story is dragging on just a little too long for my taste.
NickZ: Between this book, New Mutants and Uncanny X-Force, there is a lot of psychological issues being dealt with in the X-books lately. Good stuff.
X-Men: Schism #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Um, did Psylocke just stab a Sentinel in the face with her psi-blade? …? However, the Iceman slight made me chuckle.
Arnab: It’s attack of the psychotic children. No really, those kids are crazy.
Jeff: Last time, Pacheco drew Wolverine too fat. This issue, Cho draws Cyclops way too skinny.
NickZ: Best line of the week: “Who did the X-Men send?” “All the heavy hitters. And some other guy made of ice.” -Priceless!
Andy don’t give up on Batman TDK, Finch said at SDCC that aspects of this story line will lead into the next stroy line after the reboot.