Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 6/29/2011

Amazing Spider-Man #664 (Marvel)
Andy: Finally! No more Mr. Negative! I hate that guy almost as much as DC’s The Calculator.
Infinite Speech: Mr. Li’s secret is out and Spidey and Anti-Venom begin the road to their bromance. Another issue that justifys me spending my hard earned money!
Jeff: I really enjoyed this issue much better than the last. Peter comes clean with Carlie…well, almost.

American Vampire #16 (Vertigo)
Andy: Scott Snyder could write a story about babies walking around South Dakota in elephant pajamas and I’d read it. It’d probably be good too.
Jeff: Henry Preston just gained a lot more respect from me. And the best line of the week goes to the sinister Skinner Sweet: “Semper Fi, Mother F***ers!”

Artifacts #8 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: I thought things were bad for the good guys a few issues ago. Apparently I was wrong as Marz decided to put the screws to them a bit more!

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6 (Marvel)
Andy: This series is proving that when done right, fans are willing to wait for a book. That full page spread of the X-Men was HOT!
Jeff: D’oh! Forgot to order this but I can say this based on Andy’s chirp and my adoration of the series so far…BUY THIS BOOK!
NickZ: Seriously, can this series get any better? The Scarlet Witch is a BEAST!!

Batman Inc #7 (DC)
Andy: Man-of-Bats is the best international Batman so far. I would read a mini starring him.
Infinite Speech: Mom said that if I can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Though, I will ask how does that buffalo keep up with the batcycle on the cover?
NickZ: Very cool father and son story and Batman was barely even in it. Man-Of-Bats and Little Raven are awesome.

Creepy #6 (Dark Horse)
Decapitated Dan: Nathan Fox, why do you make me drool on your pages? Awesome issue.

Dectective Comics #878 (DC)
Andy: Scott Snyder is trying to tell you something: “THIS IS THE ONLY BATMAN BOOK YOU SHOULD BE READING!”
NickZ: The Tiger Shark mystery was good, but HOLY CRAP, James Gordon is freaking crazy and scary as hell!

FF #5 (Marvel)
Andy: Jonathan Hickman is the new Grant Morrison…only easier to follow. Barry Kitson smoked the art in this one like a finely rolled Cuban.
Infinite Speech: I don’t know why I keep coming back to this series but I’m still having a little fun so I won’t complain.

Fear Itself: The Black Widow #1 (Marvel)
Andy: This was a side order of weak sauce. Cullen Bunn is doing great things with his creator owned series, The Sixth Gun, but this isn’t that.

Flashpoint: Green Arrow Industries #1 (DC)
Andy: DC’s new running gag: How many times can we shoot Ollie in the head?

Flashpoint: Hal Jordan #1 (DC)
Andy: Felt like I was watching Top Gun for a brief moment there. I would totally read this series: Hal Jordan: Cocky Fly Boy.

Flashpoint: Project Superman #1 (DC)
Andy: Flashpoint is beginning to feel more and more like DC’s Ultimate line, and it’s damn good. Can’t wait to see how Supes ties into it all.
NickZ: Interesting. So will there be 2 different Supermans now? I loved his X-ray vision, it was very Smallville like.

Ghostface Vol 1 (Tokyopop)
Infinite Speech: Bring on Vol 2!

The Goon #34 (Dark Horse)
Decapitated Dan: Thank god that you didn’t stick with that vampire crap for long, then it turned into the Goon we all know and love.

Gotham City Sirens #24 (DC)
NickZ: It seems the girls finally sided with their true natures. Catwoman is a BEAST!! How exactly did Dick try to manipulate Selina?

Heavy Metal Summer 2011: War of the Worlds Special (Heavy Metal)
Decapitated Dan: Best issue of the year so far!

The Incredible Hulks Annual #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: The entire “Identity Wars” story was really fun. It was great seeing different versions of the heroes we know and love.

Last Mortal #2 (Top Cow/Minotaur)
Andy: Nachlik’s artwork is fantastic in this book. It’s expressive with something going on in every panel. The story is damn good too.

The Magdalena #7 (Top Cow)
Andy: A perfect jumping on point for new readers. Beware, though! The new Magdalena is super sexy.
Infinite Speech: Another Magdalena? She’ll have to avoid an ass kicking from Patience if she want’s the job. Marz and Cha bring it all together in a great issue!

Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Maberry tells a great story but I’m not too thrilled about the artwork.
NickZ: I didn’t have high hopes for this book, but it was awesome! It very much reminds me of the first Marvel Zombies!

Scalped #50 (Vertigo)
Andy: Yes! I want more stories on the true grit history of Prairie Rose. Great pin-up section at the end, too.

Skullkickers #8 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Zub writes the best sequence involving a gun while Huang makes the book look great! Hilarity at it’s best here folks so check it out!
NickZ: This book will leave you in stitches! The art is great and story is just a kick butt, hilarious adventure.

Super Dinosaur #3 (Skybound)
Andy: Is there a better kids book on the shelf for boys? Nope. No way.
NickZ: This is a great book for kids, it has the feel of an old school Saturday morning cartoon.

Uncanny X-Men #539 (Marvel)
Andy: Foreshadowing much? Nice to see the prophecy of Hope hasn’t been completely lost amidst everything else going on.
Infinite Speech: I hate the fact that Hope is just Mimic w/ boobs but I did like this one and done story. Oh, and Crimson Commando is a d__k!
Jeff: Gillen proves again that the strongest parts of the X-Men are the characters and quality is much better than quantity. This was the best issue featuring Hope since Messiah CompleX.
NickZ: Logan and Hope make nice……how sweet.

Venom #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I’m beginning to like Jack O Lantern? What the hell is wrong with me?? Damn you Remender!
Jeff: Flash & Peter sitting on a couch discussing Betty’s kidnapping and whether or not Spider-Man is a menace was really excellent. Whoda thunk Venom & Spider-Man would be best friends?

Walking Dead #86 (Image)
Jeff: Slow issue. Very……very……………very……………………slow.
NickZ: Can Carl just die already? Also, Andrea is a BEAST!! (What’s with all the women this week kicking major ass? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it!)

Witch Doctor #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Great, now I need a prescription for more Witch Doctor!

Wolverine The Best There Is #7 (Marvel)
NickZ: This maybe the most disturbing X-Men book I’ve ever read! Does the “X” stand for x-rated? No more talk about various X-Men’s penis sizes from Beast, PLEASE!

X-Men: Prelude to Schism #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Should have been renamed, “How many times can we ominously say the word, ‘it?'”
Jeff: If you use the same dialogue from the last 3 issues, I start thinking you’re lazy. And if you can’t come up with another way to talk about the impending threat without using “it,” then you shouldn’t be writing this.
NickZ: Ok, I’m ready for Schism now. Don’t disappoint. On a side note, for Jean Grey being dead for as long as she has been, she’s certainly been showing up or getting mentioned a lot, lately!

Xombi #4 (DC)
Infinite Speech: A LOT of expo that helps explain the last couple of issues but it’s worth it. Rozum & Irving are perfect for this title!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Decapated Dan

    @ Andy on X-Men Schism – Right?

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