Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 7/28/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

7 Psychopaths #3 (BOOM!)
Andy: Holy crap this mini was great! Check it out in trade if you skipped it- especially the WWII buffs in the room!!

Action Comics #891 (DC)
Andy: I’m the only one on staff who read this? What the hell!? This Luthor story arc is panning out great so far. DON’T skip it!

American Vampire #5 (Vertigo)
So AWESOME! Things get set up for the long term in this one. Loving this series.
Flippin’ awesome stuff here. Pearl and Skinner are the Vamps other Vamps should be jealous of.
Aron: A perfect ending and a limitless beginning! Amazing! “Plans, plans. So many plans…”

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #4 (DC)
Andy: What the…? Ok, I was a little lost in this issue. My least favorite of the series so far.
Arnab: Awesome story, especially the way it weaves parts of different issues throughout.
Aron: Whatever. This is weird. Hurry up and end already.

Batman: The Widening Gyre #6 (DC)
Andy: Took long enough to end, but it ended well. Slllllice!!
Aron: HOLY SHIT! TOTALLY BLEW MY MIND! Did NOT see that coming! Loved it!

Black Bird vol. 5 (Viz Media)
Kristin: Plenty of smutty goodness, then the story takes a serious turn; to protect Misao, Kyo will have to destroy his brother one way or another

Detective Comics #867 (DC)
Andy: My favorite issue of this title since Batwoman left. The art wasn’t my favorite, but a cool take on Joker gas for sure.
Aron: Not too bad. It felt like an old school Animated Series adventure. And I absolutely love McDaniel’s Batman!

The Flash #4 (DC)
Best issue of the series yet.
Aron: It is starting to make sense and it is still gobs of fun!

Franken-Castle #19 (Marvel)
Andy: Please, House of Ideas, PLEASE can the name “Franken-Castle” be put to rest once Daken is finished with him? PLEEEEASE!?!?!?!?

Gotham City Sirens #14 (DC)
Andy: Damn Poison Ivy just got a power upgrade! A little weird but a lotta interesting.
Arnab: Awful art, decent story.

Green Arrow #2 (DC)
Andy: Wow. Um, ok. Didn’t see that one coming.
Arnab: Great Hal and Ollie reunion. Awesome cliffhanger.
Aron: I think last issue was a false alarm. This series isn’t blowing my mind.

Green Lantern #56 (DC)
Andy: This book keeps getting weirder and weirder. What the heck is going on here DC?
Arnab: Larfleeze is all kinds of awesome. Hector Hammond is all kinds of creepy, especially with his new entity.
Aron: Who doesn’t enjoy an issue with Larfleeze in it? Larfleeze is comedy gold!

Green Lantern Corps #50 (DC)
Andy: It was ok, but I’m not thrilled that Cyborg Superman is back…let alone how his return was done “off panel”…

Heavy Metal September 2010 (Heavy Metal)
Decapitated Dan:
Finally after 3 years we conclude Fluorescent black and OH MAN WAS IT WORTH IT!!!!!

Jack of Fables #46 (Vertigo)
Andy: I like an older take on Jack Frost, but he’d better not be out of the book anytime soon…

Justice League Generation Lost #6 (DC)
Andy: Judd Winick is doing great things with this series. I really never cared about these characters before and now I’m looking forward to this series whenever it comes out. It gets an A so far in my book.

Mindfield #2 (Aspen)
Andy: Anyone who has tripped balls should read this comic. It may give you hope for a possible future career.

Punishermax #9 (Marvel)
The ONLY Punisher book you need to be reading right now. It’s so sick and twisted. I love it!

RASL #8 (Cartoon Books)
Andy: I’m glad that bitch bit the dust…God works in mysterious ways?
Kristin: More flashbacks, the tattoo is explained, and…a visit from God? What are you up to, Jeff Smith?

The Rising #0 (Radical)
Decapitated Dan:
Very interesting idea and as always the artwork rocks!

Secret Avengers #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Still confused about wtf is up with Nick Fury. Seriously though, what’s up with that?
Billy: Wow, is Brubaker turning this book into gold just like Cap!
Jeff: I’m more confused. This arc better come around, or I’m dropping.

Skip Beat! vol. 21 (Viz Media)
Kristin: Some goofy Ren/Kyoko stuff, Ren gives Kyoko some advice, and Kyoko starts off down the path of creating her new character for her new drama role.

Spawn #198 (Image)
Andy: Soooo in this week’s previews Spawn #208 is being solicited for October. HA!!

Teen Titans #85 (DC)
Andy: Is it time for issue #88 yet?

Thor #612 (Marvel)
Andy: Love the art! The story’s cool too. Can’t wait to see Thor kick some ass in Hell.
Billy: Thor goes face to face with Mephisto!!!

Time Bomb #1 (Radical)
Andy: A team discovers a secret Nazi facility and accidentally sets off a doomsday device. Now they have to travel back in time to prevent themselves from doing so…only they went too far back in time to WWII!! AWESOME!!

Uncanny X-Men #526 (Marvel)
The 5 Lights start out strongly, leaving us all wondering even more than before- “Who the F is Hope!?”
Arnab: Hope’s grandmother is a creepy old bat. The Five Lights looks like they’re going to be very interesting.
Aron: Post-Second Coming Uncanny is way better than I expected. I’ll keep this one around. Still the best of the X-Team titles. I promise.
Billy: Emma Frost has sex with Tony Stark…again?
Jeff: My lord, Portacio’s art is horrendous. But we got an awesome back up story by Heinberg and Coipel!

Wolverine: Origins #50 (Marvel)
Andy: Jeez, I think Wolverine left his balls at home for this one.
Billy: What a crappy Finale. Nick Fury couldn’t even save this issue. What a shame, it was a good read back in the day.
Jeff: Thank God that’s over.

Wolverine: Weapon X #15 (Marvel)
Billy: Deathlok is a good guy now, and in the future, but somewhere in between he’s a villain. Yeah, I don’t get it either.
Jeff: Didn’t like this story one bit. I don’t really care about Deathlok or future timelines.

Wonder Woman #601 (DC)
Aron: So the past actually did happen, and it also didn’t happen. WTF!? So, does that mean she was and wasn’t a founding member of the Justice League?

X-Campus #2 (Marvel)
Andy: If we can’t have X-Men First Class by Jeff Parker, X-Campus will most certainly do.

X-Factor Forever #5 (Marvel)
Andy: This was the last issue? THANK THE MAKER! Watching golf was more entertaining than this mini.

X-Men Forever 2 #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Even though I just met Chris Claremont at San Diego Comic Con, I doubt my ability to ever enjoy this series. Sorry man.

X-Men: Legacy #238 (Marvel)
Andy: Really like seeing Magneto in the spotlight…not so sure about this Paras guy though.
Arnab: Interesting start to a new story arc.
Billy: Rogue and Magneto are in India trying to rekindle the flame or stop a new threat. Guess which one!
Jeff: Does anyone give two craps about Indra? Why is the story focused on him?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jeff Jackson

    For the record, I love this column. I love being surprised by the variance of our opinions. We rock!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    @Jeff Indra has some things going on with him especially since he went through that power change a few months back. Who knows we may be looking at the next X-Man that ends up in 7 books a month lol

    That Thor cover is just GREAT!

  3. InfiniteSpeech

    I do agree with Andy and what he says about Time Bomb! I liked the preview but the entire issue was just great!

  4. Aron

    I just come off as a grumpy ass Scrooge in most cases, don’t I? Hahaha!

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