Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 6/16/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we here at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

Amazing Spider-Man #633 (Marvel)
Andy: A great ending to a great story arc. I want more Lizard!
Aron: I really don’t like what has been done to The Lizard. He was once one of my favorites. Now he’s a ratard. Arc started strong. Ended flat.

Amazing Spider-Man #634 (Marvel)
Andy: Woah! Shit just hit the fan for the Spider-people!
Aron: Savage and brutal. Don’t know how it got away with an A-Rating, but I liked it a lot! The Stan Lee SHORT kinda offset the mood.

Atlas #2 (Marvel)
Andy: I liked #1 and this issue was ok too, but I’m not sure how long I’ll stick around…

Azrael #9 (DC)
Andy: I like the religious overtones of this issue and the questions it poses, but this series isn’t doing much for me…at all.
Aron: Deep thoughts provoked by this deep subject matter. Beautiful cover as always.

Birds of Prey #2 (DC)
Aron: Oops. It’s starting to get thick and hit the fan. Another great issue of BoP!

Black Cat #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Black Cat is supposed to be hot…not look like a pile of crumpled underwear.
Aron: I think I have this figured out already and the art is u-g-l-y, it ain’t got no alibi. It ugly! I’ve seen sexier dog turds in the backyard than this Black Cat.

Black Widow #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Love the art and the script is ok too…although I’m having trouble remembering everything from issue to issue.
Aron: A cool series! Elektra blocking a bullet with her sai was one of the coolest things I’ve seen all year. Bracelets!? She don’t need no stinking bracelets!

The Boys #43 (Dynamite)
Andy: Screw you Malchemical!
Decapitated Dan: I liked this arc a lot. Another great issue.

Brightest Day #4 (DC)
Andy: The major criticism about this series is that “it hasn’t gone anywhere”. I disagree 100%- I think it’s going everywhere!
Arnab: This is getting more and more interesting every issue.
Aron: Hawkman is dumb. I want Kendra back as Hawkgirl. Original Dove…can it happen? Hope so.
Infinite Speech: I couldn’t ask for a better issue! No Auqaman appearances!

Crossed: Family Values #2 (Avatar)
Decapitated Dan:
It’s so disturbing and yet so good. Why can’t all books be this mature.

Darkwing Duck #1 (BOOM!)
Andy: Wow, this totally brought back some childhood memories! Thanks for that BOOM!!
Aron: A little slow and wordy, bit it was a good set up. Glad to have the terror that flaps in the night, back!

DC Universe Legacies #2  (DC)
Andy: Less superheroes and more newspaper kid make this issue not as exciting as the first. But I’ll stick around awhile longer.
Aron: Not as cool as last issue, but I’m not giving up yet. Nope.

Deadpool #24 (Marvel)
Aron: Probably the best ‘Pool book, but this was a mediocre issue. Nice homage to The Karate Kid 2!

Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #12 (Marvel)
Aron: Why do I keep punishing myself with this crap!? This book stopped being awesome 5 issues ago. Waste of $. I coulda bought a Happy Meal.

DV8 #3 (Wildstorm)
Andy: It’s cool, but I’m not understanding why all of these characters are so reluctant to work together.

Executive Assistant: Iris #5 (Aspen)
Infinite Speech: Looks like Iris having a personal life is going to actually kill her.

Fables #96 (Vertigo)
Andy: This Rose Red/Snow White origin tale has been the best story arc in over a year.

G.I. Joe #19 (IDW)
Aron: I think I may drop this and stick to Hama’s series when it gets here. This really isn’t my Joes. Hard reading Destro with a Scottish accent.

Hellblazer #268 (Vertigo)
Aron: There’s some f-word’ed up s-word going on here!

Heralds #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Better than issues 1 + 2 but I still don’t understand how all of these characters are such close “friends”.

Incredible Hulk #610 (Marvel)
Andy: Wow! This was quite possibly Pak’s best issue of Hulk since World War Hulk! To quote Skaar: “FINALLY!”
Aron: Intense, gripping story. The third and second to last pages make up a most AWESOME two-page splash! Best IH issue in a LONG time! Bravo!

Joker’s Asylum II: Harley Quinn #1 (DC)
Andy: Meh, it was ok. The Harley fans out there will eat it up though…like puddin’.

Joker’s Asylum II: Mad Hatter #1 (DC)
Andy: WTF was up with this art? Everyone looked like deformed midgets.

The Light #1 & #2 (Image)
Andy: Interesting concept that we haven’t seen before coupled with cool artwork = I’m onboard with this one.

The Magdalena #1 (Top Cow)
Andy: Beautiful artwork is the MO of this series. Definitely worth a look for any comic fan.
Infinite Speech: No disrespect to Marz but Nelson Blake II made this issue POP with his visuals!

New Avengers #1 (Marvel)
Andy: I like it better than Avengers but not as much as Secret Avengers. A cool lineup…but what is Iron Fist doing carrying around $1 dollar bills in his spandex?
Aron: It’s starting over. Wasn’t too impressed. Is it time to jump off? I’m on the fence. I’M ALSO AN AVENGER!!! 5 down, 9 over. KA-CHOW!
Infinite Speech: So Cage is leading T Bolts and the New Avengers? When will he be around to change diapers?

New Mutants #14 (Marvel)
Andy: Suddenly issues #1-#4 of this series have become more relevant…and Colossus gets “World War Hulked” again. Poor guy.
Arnab: G.I. Hope is freaking awesome. Scott continues to lead his mutants. And the X-Force has got their hands full in the future.
Aron: Second Coming is sputtering to a conclusion. I hope it catches fire again before it’s over and ends with a bang!
Decapitated Dan: NATHAN FOX, YAY!!! Rest of the book boo! I wonder if Wolverine changes outfits in a telephone booth.
Infinite Speech: How the HELL are they gonna fix Colossus??
Jeff: Happy moments #1-Colossus’ arm breaking, #2-Legion unleashed, #3-Magneto about to whoop some tail.

Pale Horse #1 (BOOM! Studios)
Andy: Absolutely bad ass. A cool take on the Western theme with a likeable protagonist. Definitely check it out!
Infinite Speech: Classic western revenge tale that has potential but needs to pick up quick.

The Spirit #3 (DC)
Aron: Y’all can say what you will. This is a good read, however the arc ended and I’ve gotta make some cuts.

Supernatural: Beginnings End #6 (Wildstorm)
Great end to the mini-series.

Ultimate X #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Started out slow but ended quite nicely! Easily Jeph Loeb’s best writing in awhile.

The Walking Dead #73 (Image)
Andy: I’m really liking this arc so far. It’s only so long though before all the secrets come out!
Arnab: This isn’t going to end well for Rick and the gang.
Jeff: This book makes me so uncomfortable…in a really great way…if that makes sense.

X-Factor Forever #4 (Marvel)
Andy: The “Forever” line is proof that God likes to torture his people. The end.
Decapitated Dan: I’m so sad it’s almost over. I just want this team back for good. WAAH!!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Aron

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought Black Cat art was GROSS! What the hell, Marvel!? Put the Dodsons on that book already. Damn!

  2. Aron

    The story wasn’t bad, but the art was disgusting!

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