Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 4/7/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews. Here you can find out what we here at thought of this past week’s books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

28 Days Later #9 (BOOM!)
Decapitated Dan: This series can do no wrong in my eyes. It’s always right on track to bridging the gap.

The Astounding Wolf-Man #22 (Image)
Aron: Very excellent! Action! Excitement! BEST! Comic! You’re! NOT! Reading!

Batman and Robin #11 (DC)
More depth to an already great mystery. Grant Morrison always delivers.
The plot thickens as the mystery continues! Morrison’s arc is really chugging along now!
Why do I keep subjecting myself to this weird crap? And QUIT calling him Alfie! DAMN!
Infinite Speech: Morrison has made this my favorite Bat title and I’m liking Damian more and more with each issue!

Berserker #5 (Top Cow)
Andy: I used to like it a lot but I’m losing interest fast…

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #34 (Dark Horse)
Decapitated Dan: I tried it. I found it to be a big sex scene and not for me.

Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of Our Fathers #1 (Marvel)
Andy: A decent WWII story. Definitely for the history buffs in the room.

Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love #6 (Vertigo)
Andy: A fitting conclusion to this adventurous mini-series…it could have been a little grittier though overall.

Codebreakers #1 (BOOM!)
Decapitated Dan: Oh, now this is shaping up to be a nice little mystery.

Deadpool & Cable #25 (Marvel)
Andy: I liked it. A nice prologue chapter to Messiah Complex.
Aron: I’ve sure missed this “buddy” book. Funny how Paco Medina draws Deadpool better than Liefeld!
Infinite Speech: An adrenaline rush of action and hilarity!
Jeff: Awesome ending to the Cable series! Paco Medina makes me happy!

Deadpool Corps #1 (Marvel)
Aron: In spite of Liefeld, the story cracked me up. Nice old school Star Trek reference, too!

Demo Vol. 2 #3 (Vertigo)
Andy: Why aren’t you reading this series!? It’s simply splendid!
Decapitated Dan: Brian Wood never ceases to make me reread a comic. Great stuff over and over again.

The Flash: Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1 (DC)
Andrew: Some of the best eighteen pages of story you’ll find in a comic today. Plus some great splash pages and origins.
Andy: A nice issue that brings you up to speed and into the mind of Barry Allen. Surprisingly emotion evoking.

Greek Street #10 (Vertigo)
Decapitated Dan: Blood, Boobs, Blindness and Bad Ass storytelling. I can’t get enough B!

Grimm Fairy Tales #46 (Zenescope)
Aron: This is sweet stuff! Should have been reading it 46 issues ago!

Grimm Fairy Tales: April Fools’ Edition #2 (Zenescope)
Aron: I laughed my ass off. Now help me find it.

JSA All-Stars #5 (DC)
Andy: I want to like it because the art is so great in every panel, but I dunno…oh, and Icicle is such a damn rip off of Iceman it’s not even funny.
Infinite Speech: Ummm…not enjoying the ride anymore so I’m getting off!

Marvel Zombie 5 #1 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: So the object is to cover every Marvel character ever? Nice writing and art but I don’t like the concept.

Nemesis: The Imposters #2 (DC)
Andy: This series crept up on me and is winning me over- didn’t expect to like it, but I do! Batman fans should give it a look.

Philip K. Dick’s Electric Ant #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Very cool. Not to be missed by sci-fi fans.

Red Robin #11 (DC)
Andrew: Wow. This book has really stepped it up. Great job, Chris Yost and Marcus To!
Andy: Tim Drake has really grown up. I hope Yost and To stick around well beyond next issue’s conclusion!

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Marvel)
F&%#!-ing awesome! A truly jaw dropping comic book from every angle. Did you catch the cameo of a classic X-villain?

Spider-Man: Fever #1 (Marvel)
Aron: Best Marvel Knights mini since Silver Surfer: Requiem. The Vishanti commands you to buy it! You shall have it with custard!

Superman: Secret Origins #5 (DC)
Andrew: Geoff Johns and Gary Frank are redefining the definitive Superman. This might be my favorite book.

Star Wars Purge #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Darth Vader’s badass, the Emperor’s a dick, and the art in this issue is absolutely stunning.

Sweet Tooth #8 (Vertigo)
Andy: Things slow down a bit but only to raise more questions…I wouldn’t “F” with Mr. Jepperd.
Decapitated Dan: Great issue. Nice story building but the art seemed more off than usual.

Ultimate X #2 (Marvel)
A surprisingly great story from Jeph Loeb.  Cool reveal at the end if you didn’t figure it out already.

Uncanny X-men #523 (Marvel)
Andrew: I’m interested in where Second Coming is going, but I really hate giant crossovers.
Andy: Cyclops is awesome. Hope is awesome. X-Men Second Coming is awesome. Nightcrawler’s a little bitch.
Aron: This is another great X-Men event!
Decapitated Dan: No action and can someone please tell me where the frosty X-Man is? I am only reading to see if he dies at this point.
Infinite Speech: Stuff blows up & somebody isn’t getting their deposit back on the hotel room! Great story so far!
Jeff: Dodson’s art is a bit moodier, which is a great decision for this crossover. Not much happens here, though.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7 (Marvel)
Aron: Good as always! Funny how Tan Eng Huat can draw Deadpool better than Liefeld!

Wolverine: Weapon X #12 (Marvel)
Andy: Bad f&#@!-ing ass!
Aron: #11 was AWESOME! #12 got SUPER WEIRD! That’s a bummer. Time to drop it.
Jeff: I’m tired of alternate futures, but this was still a fun issue.

World War Hulks #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Worth skimming through, but my brain couldn’t handle reading all of that stuff. No way Jose!
Aron: Pointless. Could I get my $3.99 back? What!? I paid $3.99!? Funny how IG Guara draws Deadpool better than Liefeld.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Andy

    “Aron: I laughed my ass off. Now help me find it.”

    LOL!! Now mine’s gone missing too!!

  2. krist

    ill be a stickler & ask why Batgirl wasn’t reviewed too? it was a crossover between her & Red Robin, so its reasonable to wonder how any of you liked the ‘whole’ story.

  3. Aron White

    Haha! Thanks, guys!

    Andy, we’re gonna have to organize a neighborhood search party and serve cookies and punch.

    If y’all would go diving into your long boxes, you would find that even Liefeld used to draw Deadpool better than Liefeld does. He now draws his head in damn near a perfect circle.

  4. Andy

    @krist Don’t worry, we’ll review this week’s issue of Batgirl #9 in next week’s Chirpin’ Reviews!!

  5. Billy

    Great stuff you guys!

  6. Aron

    When are you gonna jump in the pool, Billy?!

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